Beach body/ 21 day fitness

Looking for honest opinions from
Beginners on the work out program! I am not interested in shakes or the containers but I'm considering trying the workouts but I don't want to spend the money without hearing honest reviews. I have a gym membership and go often. But I don't think I'm challenging myself enough there and quite honestly I don't have much time to go between work and school so I thought this could be a good program to challenge me and mix in with my gym routine. Reviews and opinions please? I'm at my starting weight and I have about 100 to lose!


  • dwieberg58
    dwieberg58 Posts: 2 Member
    I joined Beachbody in October and have been very happy with my results - 5 pounds lost. I am stronger and can do things I haven't been able to do for years. It's a great overall program with variety to keep you from getting bored!
  • kgiasson
    kgiasson Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I noticed you said you've been doing beach body. I love beach body and am actually a coach! I was curious how you track the workouts on here
  • carlypi314
    carlypi314 Posts: 42 Member
    I lived 21DF especially as a beginner workout! My only problem with it is lack of variety in the workouts. If you are also going to the gym a lot though this probably wouldn't be as much of an issue for you. Also the price, I think, is great. I've switched to P90X3, now that 21DF has me in better shape, because it has more variety and pushes harder.
  • mmteixeira
    mmteixeira Posts: 118 Member
    I personally like the 21 Day Fix workout routines - the program includes 7 different workouts - one for each day of the week and switch between cardio, resistance, pilates and yoga. All workouts have a modifier you can follow if the exercises are too hard to do. Autumn is also very good - talks through it but always positive (and not goofy). I have done one pass through (3 weeks) of just the workouts and I think it helped me a lot. I am doing P90 B right now, and I am going to do one more 3 week pass and then possibly try P90x3.

    I do not use Shakeology or the containers - I do eat clean though (following the list of foods provided in the 21 Day Fix).

    I would recommend it...
  • MissFit_Megan
    MissFit_Megan Posts: 11 Member
    21DF doesn't have bad workouts, I personally like a more intense workout like T25 or Max 30 if I am talking BB programs, but the 21DF workouts will leave you sore. I got bored with these workouts though. You will see results with any workout as long as you are doing the work in the kitchen - weightloss is 80% diet and 20% exercise, just keep that in mind! :smile: Clean eating and eating the right stuff is where you will lose your weight, you can workout all day and not eat well and barely see the scale move.
  • nelsoji
    nelsoji Posts: 79 Member
    My wife uses it and loves it. She is able to get up before kids wake up, knock out the work out and be ready for the day. She is definitely sore and in her 3rd 21d month now (lost 16 pounds first two months I believe) and has moved on to a zumba type thing I think - another BB product (I saw her doing it the other day and I was out of breath watching - haha) but know she did like them and definitely found them challenging. As others mentioned they have all different levels of modified versions of what they are doing so if its too hard/easy you can adapt that specific workout to something harder.
  • FiNnY22
    FiNnY22 Posts: 126 Member
    I havent done 21DF but have done T25 and Insanity and now im on Insanity Max30. Personally love their programs.
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    I haven't done the 21 day fix but I've got done insanity, t25 and just purchased PIYO and am on day 3 of that. Insanity is awesome, I love Shaun T but it is not a beginners program. I think T25 is a great way to get started, they have low impact modifiers for every work move. Plus, it's only 25 minutes, who doesn't love that? And you get a really great work out in that time. So far I like PIYO but I'm not in love with it yet. I haven't done all the work outs yet so I'm hoping that will change. Until I bought a heart rate monitor I was logging the work outs as aerobics, high impact from that MFP library. I used some of the recipes from the book they gave me but mostly just counted calories using the MFP program and did really well losing weight that way - I lost over 20lbs! I had a coach but didn't use her, I really enjoyed the MFP community - plus shakeology is CRAZY expensive! I'm back on here again because I slacked off majorly and jumped off the wagon and gained back 15lbs! Oops! :(
  • jwdjd2007
    jwdjd2007 Posts: 2 Member
    I haven't done 21DF but I have been following Beachbody since April. I started on T25 and then graduated to Max 30. Now I'm mixing it up between the two and joining Orange Theory this month. The effect on my overall fitness has been amazing. Here's what I'll say about Beachbody, though. I've come to really appreciate that they package great solutions for people so if you want the best results, follow the plan. I literally reached my breaking point - overweight, unhappy, felt yucky - and in a desperation move I ordered the T25 challenge pack. I had always HATED shakes and I was very, very skeptical (ok - I had a crappy attitude about the shakes and the nutrition), but I also knew I was in a bad place and something needed to change. So I bought the challenge pack and I followed the instructions. I did what they told me to do and my life literally changed. Not only have I lost weight (and over 40 inches and three pants sizes at this point), but my relationship with exercise AND my relationship with food have been changed for the better. I get it now in a way I just didn't before.

    The problem for me before was that I always just did the workouts and didn't do the shakes or follow the nutrition plans - and the result was that I was asking my body to do work it wasn't prepared or fueled to do. I got hurt easily and I couldn't keep up with the workouts, so I quit. It was like I was putting 89 octane fuel in a jet engine... substandard fuel = substandard performance. So I know you say you don't want any shakes, I wish you'd reconsider. Follow the directions. Nourish your body. It really does work!!
  • melissavangulck287
    melissavangulck287 Posts: 70 Member
    I started out with 21 df last spring, took a break over the summer (which was stupid on my part), then returned to it in October. I think it's a fantastic program, and being a busy mom, the 1/2 hour workouts were perfect! I was able to get my weight to where I wanted it and started to see some toning which is awesome! I have now switched to P90X, but still follow the meal plan. I would totally recommend it!
  • workout_junkee
    workout_junkee Posts: 473 Member
    I am on round 2 of 21 Day Extreme. I've had great results. Do you lift at the gym? If so, it may be worth looking at the extreme version before deciding. Personally I love Jillian Micheals and Beach Body. You can definitely get great results at home. I have so many workouts and zero connection to BB (Insanity, Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Fire, Chalean Extreme, T25, Max 30, 21 Day Extreme and Body Revolution). Piyo is arriving this weekend. Let me know if you have questions I am happy to answer. Just message me:). And no... I do not pay for the overpriced shakes.
  • peacock567
    peacock567 Posts: 6 Member
    I love the 21 day fix workouts. Just like anything they get a little old after awhile but they are definitely challenging. I was moderately fit when i started and they kicked my butt. I had great results though, definitely worth it.
  • AnnElizabethKate
    AnnElizabethKate Posts: 24 Member
    21 day fix is awesome. and you can follow the meal plans without the containers, theres a cheat sheet on google that tell you the size of each container (1/2 C, 1 C, etc) and what foods you can eat out of each container. I also never bought the program either I downloaded a torrent with all the workouts/schedules/etc. The workouts are actually really great for beginners :) but do get boring after a while, id also give 21dayfix extreme a try too, it's awesome :)
  • Pinkylady80
    Pinkylady80 Posts: 445 Member
    Hi, I've done Insanity before and month one workouts were fine but month 2 were an hour long and being a working mum of two I found it a struggle to fit in 6 days a week.
    Santa (aka my husband!) kindly bought me Insanity Max 30. I'm on week two now and I'm loving it! Each workout is 30 minutes long and it's five days a week ( I do 4 a week due to other commitments). I love it and would recommend that one, it's hard enough to to work up a sweat but not too hard or too long to put you off x
  • Mikeysluck
    Mikeysluck Posts: 3 Member
    I mix it up between 21 Day Fix and P90 X. I workout 4-5 times per week and never get bored when incorporating both.
  • k2mexox
    k2mexox Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks so much for all your comments and inputs!! I purchased and did my first workout tonight! I'm not sure if it's going to be the right fit for me. But I'm gonna stick through the 21 days and then decide!
  • beretta82
    beretta82 Posts: 8 Member
    21 Day Fix is an EXCELLENT place to start, because there is a huge emphasis placed on eating and portions. If you follow the meal plan (I hate saying diet) and use the containers, you will lose!