Any advice on those horrible late night cravings??

So... it's 1 am & me and my husband are on a late night schedule lately so we stay up until maybe 3 am or 4 am, and I'm really really craving something sweet... how do you guys deal with this? What I've been doing, since I started this only 2 days ago, I eat bananas or strawberries... I know this is better then chowing down on sweets... but I know its bad. Advice?


  • kmrodger
    kmrodger Posts: 6
    i don't see anything wrong with that if it's something healthy like fruit and in moderate quantities
  • cowpacino
    cowpacino Posts: 77 Member
    drink water a lot of times people think they're hungry when they are in fact, thirsty. Drink a big glass of water and the craving might go away. Also try brushing your teeth or chewing some sugar free gum
  • mrudzinski
    mrudzinski Posts: 17 Member
    I always have night cravings. Come midnight, I know I'm going to need something to eat. It took me a while, but I finally realized that I am ALWAYS going to have those cravings. Instead of trying to fight it, I just always leave an extra 100 calories at the end of the day so I have room for a small snack at night.
  • Dreamweaver4036
    I usually try to stick to some fat free yogurt or crystal light:) I'm on that same type of schedule and it gets harder for me to stay out of the kitchen the later it is. Good luck!
  • RangerSteve
    RangerSteve Posts: 437
    So... it's 1 am & me and my husband are on a late night schedule lately so we stay up until maybe 3 am or 4 am, and I'm really really craving something sweet... how do you guys deal with this? What I've been doing, since I started this only 2 days ago, I eat bananas or strawberries... I know this is better then chowing down on sweets... but I know its bad. Advice?

    Hopefully I get this message posted in time before any bro-science makes its way in.

    First off, eating strawberries and bananas at night is perfectly fine. They are healthy foods and any thought you might have of carbohydrates magically turning into fat after X:00pm at night is incorrect. If you enjoy eating fruit at night, continue to do so. The most important thing is to work it into your daily calorie goals so you're using more energy than you're taking in.

    Second, nothing is wrong with a sweet tooth. Yeah, it's annoying sometimes when you've already eaten a boatload of food and then you still want more sugar but, besides that situation, eating sweets will keep you on track to a healthy lifestyle. Why? It's simple. Anyone can eat broccoli and carrots for 2 weeks and feel great but are you really going to do that for the next 50 years or so of your life? I doubt it. I don't even do that and I'm the most disciplined person I know. If you have 300 calories to spare at night because you're under your maintenance goals, eat some chocolate, have a cup of ice cream, etc. There is nothing more satisfying than losing weight, getting healthier, getting stronger and still managing to eat foods you enjoy.

    I hope that helps.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i work late shift so i just got home from work not that long ago and it's 1:20am. i like to eat yogurt or cottage cheese with some fruit mixed in, last night after work i had like 800 cals left so i had cottage cheese with cherries and almonds mixed in one bowl, salty and sweet and super filling.
  • goalll130
    goalll130 Posts: 10 Member
    drink a big glass of water!
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I stay up until 3 am some days and usually eat until 1AM sometimes later if I have the calories leftover.

    It really isn't going to hurt anything if it's simple easy to digest carbs like fruit.

    As long as you don't go too crazy and stuff yourself you'll be fine.

    Look at me. I'm a late night eater and I've lost over 60 pounds!
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i work late shift so i just got home from work not that long ago and it's 1:20am. i like to eat yogurt or cottage cheese with some fruit mixed in, last night after work i had like 800 cals left so i had cottage cheese with cherries and almonds mixed in one bowl, salty and sweet and super filling.

    i'll add you as a friend and you can peak at my diary. we have like the same schedule. i eat breakfast about 1pm (i wake up about 12pm) eat a light lunch about 3pm pack my dinner for work which is usually a couple snacky type foods or peices of fruit, i usually have that around 8-9pm, then have a snack when i get home, what ever that is depends on how many calories i have left i don't like having more than 500 calories left for the day by time i'm ready for bed. i always feel like crap the next day if i don't eat enough.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I'm with you on the sweet tooth. For me though fruit just doesn't cut it when I get them. I try to stay away from products with ingredients I can't pronounce (like the 100cal packs.) Go to your bulk store and buy carob covered raisins. Sooooooooooooo (I could keep going but I won't) good. And super rich. It took a bit of weaning, but I find a small handful does it for me now.
    Plain popcorn with cinnamon. Tofu carob pudding (seriously, and I'm not a vegetarian) is good and with a lot of protein, so at least I'm getting something out of it.

    It sounds like you're doing ok, but we can only live on "fruit as treats" for so long before we break and eat a Snickers dipped in caramel.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I try brushing my teeth. If I'm still craving by the time the toothpaste wears off, I'll eat whatever it is that I'm craving. It persisted through the minty freshness, so it deserves to be fed. In moderation of course. But usually I fall asleep or the craving is gone!
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    you shouldnt go to sleep starving so that is okay. it makes sense that you would eat something, we have to eat every four hours, and i am sure din-din is before midnight :0) we have the same sleep pattern lol. i go to sleep anywhere from 1am to 3:30am. and i ALWAYS have a midnight snack least you eat fruit...i dont YIKES
  • KandesStarlin
    Thanks everyone!! i really appreciate the advice
  • SpartanTrainer
    pure protein shake such as an example EAS brand. 1-2 scoops of choc or van. whey protein mixed in with low-fat milk or Silk. You can even add 1/2 of a banana or strawberries.