29 y/o female, autoimmune disease, need to lose 20+ lbs and friends for motivation :)

jennyharris7 Posts: 5 Member
edited January 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hello :) I'm approaching 30 and realizing my metabolism isn't what it used to be! Got on the scale the other day and realized I'm at the highest weight I've ever been. Clothes don't fit, and just feel lousy overall. I have an autoimmune disease (diagnosed a few years ago) that makes me completely energy-less, so making myself move is tough, which has been a big life change for a once-athlete. I want to feel good again and be ready for my elopement in 6 months!


  • Hi! I too, am at my highest weight ever and just can't take it anymore! I would love to connect and add you as a friend. I could use motivation and accountability if you are up for that as well. Are you familiar with auto immune paleo? The paleo diet is perfect for those with auto immune issues. Check out the authors Instagram or her book. I lost a lot of weight when I followed the paleo diet. My struggle is that I work so much it is hard for me to prep food. But it works! I will add you!
  • jennyharris7
    jennyharris7 Posts: 5 Member
    Jealous of your username @jennyfromtheblock78 ! Thanks so much for writing. Good to connect with someone who understands the "blah" feeling I have. Just sent you a request, can definitely use the motivation! I'm looking into the paleo diet as I type, thanks!
  • @jennyharris7 i have some good paleo book recommendations! And you can find a ton of recipes on Pinterest!
  • KassiesJourney
    KassiesJourney Posts: 306 Member
    I have hypothyroidism which makes it hard to have enough energy for normal daily tasks much less anything else. I have a lot of weight to lose (200+lbs)
  • CrumCPT
    CrumCPT Posts: 30 Member
    You can do it. There's lots of great people on MFP to encourage you along the way!
  • jennyharris7
    jennyharris7 Posts: 5 Member
    I know exactly how you feel @KassiesJourney ! By the time I take a shower in the morning I'm exhausted. I know the feeling of being overwhelmed with the weight stuff...lets set small goals and we will get there! :)
  • jennyharris7
    jennyharris7 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you so much @CrumCPT !!!
  • evab25
    evab25 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi there!! I was just diagnosed with an auto immune disease this last year (took them a few years to narrow it down). My biggest complaint from the beginning has been fatigue, so I completely understand where you are coming from! I have put on 30 pounds in the last 4 years and my body continuously aches. I have decided to change my diet and start working toward small goals; my first is to lose 5 pounds (hoping to eventually get all 30 back off but that seems pretty overwhelming right now)!

    I have switched to a gluten free diet after ending up in hospital once this summer & almost there again a few months ago. My stomach kept getting in flamed (had diverticulitis this summer) for seemingly no reason. I have been reading our immunity begins in the gut so decided to try and make some changes! My thought process is trying to make small changes into new habits and them moving on to additonal small changes & hoping eventually I will start feeling good again!

    I wish you the best of luck & feel free to add me so we can encourage one another. I am new to this (day 2) and I'm not sure how to add anyone just yet , lol!! :)
  • lane_12
    lane_12 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, i am also at my heaviest after having my second child. I am also turning 30 and my thyroid and hashis is making weight loss hard. I'd like to loose 70 lbs but altimately I'd like to turn 30 in June healthy happy and in shape! Just need more support doing it from people who understand the struggle! Most people are totally clueless to the struggles.
  • jennyharris7
    jennyharris7 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks so much for the messages @evab25 @lane_12 ! I just sent you both messages and friend requests.
  • wolfehound33
    wolfehound33 Posts: 1,320 Member
    I also have an autoimmune disease, although I don't have the energy issues. I do have issues with what I can eat, which makes eating healthy really tough, so naturally it's harder to lose weight. I've been up and down with this weight loss, and even though I am not at my heaviest, I am 50lbs heavier than my lightest two years ago. So if you're looking for someone to motivate you, and return the motivation, feel free to add me.
  • thinrunner
    thinrunner Posts: 16 Member
    I would love to be all of your friends on here! I also have a little over 30 lbs to lose.
  • Travis_k37
    Travis_k37 Posts: 2 Member
    My wife has struggled with hypothyroidism so I know how frustrating it can be. I wish you the best on your journey.
  • kportwood85
    kportwood85 Posts: 151 Member
    Any of you can add me, I have multiple sclerosis, so I definitely deal with the fatigue, plus, some times some muscles just refuse to do what my brain says. I had to relearn to walk backwards! It's frustrating
  • cazzahi
    cazzahi Posts: 59 Member
    Me as well has autoimmune disease, i got a break through last year following a jamie easons livefit diet, essentially a low carb diet, under 20g carb a day and eat so much, but it all cooked fresh and no refined sugar. i had so much success with it and lost 32lb and i didn't have a flair up it that time.
    At the end of year i did relax and it did have a effect on health again and gained 7lb :(
    i'm now back on it and feeling so well and lost 5 of the 7lbs put on. i would agree that the The paleo diet , would be a very similar thing.

    i do hope this helps and if you want to ask me any question or add me as a friend please do :-D