I think I hit a plateu? But I'm not sure

So I started dieting around Thanksgiving, but signed back up for MFP begining of December. I cut my calories down to the 1200, started eating fruits/veggies/chicken. I lost 6 lbs which I thought was great because I didn't work out at all during it. I'm leaving for Jamaica March 1st, so last Wednesday I decided to join a gym again so I can start to "tone up" and help get rid of the last 4 lbs to reach my goal. I still eat the same amount of calories 1000-1200 a day, don't push my body to the limit at the gym I really just try to take it slow and easy so I don't put myself in a shock and completely give up because I'm exhausted. I also don't deprive myself of all things cheese and chocolate, if I'm craving it I have a little piece to calm my craving and that's that.

I know it's only been a week and I need more patience, but before I joined the gym I was losing a little over 1 lb a week, now I'm stuck at 131. I know muscle tends to weigh more than fat, but I feel like it's impossible to gain that much muscle from 5 workouts that are mostly cardio. Is this normal!? I tried taking pictures to compare but when I put them side to side my phone completely distorted them :|

Basic info if this helps
height - 5'1
starting weight - 137.8
current weight - 131.8
goal - 127


  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    One week a plateau doesn't make. Wait 3 weeks, and then make adjustments.

    You're likely retaining water, due to the increased conditioning work you're doing. You didn't gain that much muscle. In fact, it's impossible to gain muscle during a cut cycle.

    Basically, you're doing fine. Trends, not points in time, are what you're looking at.
  • mlclark86
    mlclark86 Posts: 33 Member
    First...it would not be muscle weight yet. It is most likely water weight. As you begin to work out those muscles, they tend to hold on the more water and make repairs. Just wait it out.
  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    Muscle gains are not easy, and don't happen when eating 1000-1200 calories. You need proper nutrition and progressive overload to build muscle and it takes time.
    Are you logging and weighing everything you eat? Get a digital scale. It will help track better.
  • mcconnelllkelly
    mcconnelllkelly Posts: 8 Member
    I log and measure everything, investing in a digital scale this weekend when I get paid actually because I keep seeing that's the best way to track. Any recommendations on what kind of digital scale to buy are greatly appreciated! I figured I'd just get one from Target/Walmart but if there are better ones please let me know!

    As for water weight, that would definitely make sense, I didn't know about that.
  • bubble_wrap0428
    bubble_wrap0428 Posts: 88 Member
    Why are you so focused on being 127 pounds instead of building muscle and being stronger in the long run?
  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    @mcconnelllkelly I got mine from Bed Bath & Beyond for like $20. I used to use measuring cups and tablespoons. But for fruit, I just would enter apple or banana. MFP will give you 80 calories for an apple. But when you cut out the middle and weigh by once, you could end up with 120 calories. So if a few items are off by 40 calories, it adds up...
  • mlclark86
    mlclark86 Posts: 33 Member
    Why are you so focused on being 127 pounds instead of building muscle and being stronger in the long run?

    She is 5'1 so she could theoretically be 127 and still have a fair amount of muscle tone. At the lightest side of healthy a person of her height could be 100lbs. 127 is still within the range and allows for healthy muscle weight.
  • hh353
    hh353 Posts: 37 Member
    I don't understand why you are only doing cardio and not pushing yourself at the gym? Add some exercises with weights!! The more muscle you have the more fat you burn. Don't worry your not going to get huge like Arnold!! Remember no pain no gain!
  • edack72
    edack72 Posts: 173 Member
    edited January 2016
    Crank up the protien in your diet and kick it up at the gym your stronger than you think you are ...don't forget to weight train also dont forget to keep track of how your clothes feel you may lose inches and sizes and not see the scale budge