need your help , is my goal is realistic?

minnie86 Posts: 187
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone,
I recently joined. I started on herbalife two weeks ago. I am 5'7'', and I started with 195lbs. I am now down to 192.
I have always been a little chubby. After high school (155lbs), I gradually gained 10 pounds every year, until I reached my peak of 200lbs. I did not excercise regularly or ate at the right times. I never really ate much, except that I starved myself before I would eat, out of lazyness. I also drank a lot of diet coke, and little water.
Anyway, I have a big event coming mid-August. I really want to lose 25 pounds by then. I am currently taking herbalife meal replacement shakes for breakfast and dinner. I am eating healthy lunch and snacks (cheese, fruit, carrots, celery,etc). I am also excercising 1 hour 5 times/week. I started starcking my food this week, and I usually don't exceed 900 calories. I'm not starving myself. In terms of excercise, I do at least 45 minutes cardio and 20 minutes light weights. I'm also drinking 2-3 liters of water a day.
I was wondering if you guys think my goal is doable.


  • mendogirl
    mendogirl Posts: 87
    if your goals start to slow down, then i would suggest upping your calorie intake. make sure you are losing weight the healthy way. make sure that you are getting the proper nutrition that your body needs to be healthy. you do have a realistic goal, just make sure that you are being healthy. :)
  • i believe u can do it best of luck 2 u ;-) i have faith u can do it
  • truchamp06
    truchamp06 Posts: 78 Member
    I believe that is a realistic goal. If you eat right and continue to excerise the way you do...just watch your heart, dont over push yourself slow and steady wins the race. As for me. I lost 13 pounds in 2 wks, I am 6ft and have a very solid built, so I believe i lost weight only bc i started working out and ate better.. I was a fast food junky. However, if you loose 2 pounds a week .. pretty much 10 a month.. by August you should lose a min of 20 if you are consistant. Everyones body is different. I hope to lose the same amount by August myself. Keep up the great work and stay your biggest motivator any ou should be good :)
  • Shaitan
    Shaitan Posts: 10
    eat at least 1200 kcal a day or you may be keeping yourself in starvation mode. your goal may not be entirely realistic but you can get a great want a life style change not a diet. Thats the only way to stick with it.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    your eating 900 calories a day but how many are you burning? you may be eating but your body may be in starvation mode, maybe eating more and getting rid of the supplement.
  • pickenslmc
    pickenslmc Posts: 47 Member
    I am the same height, and was the same weight in March when I started. I did a low calorie meal replacement plan for 7 weeks (around 900 calories) and lost 21 pounds. I stopped doing that plan the end of April, and gained back a few pounds. That is when I started MFP and have been eating between 1200-1800 calories a day and have lost around 10 pounds in 6 weeks. I am much happier now that I am eating more real, fresh food. My exercise is now just playing with my sons, yard work, and generally staying active. I think you could easily make your goal eating significantly more calories than 900, and would probably be happier. Good luck on your journey.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Your goal is do-able, for sure. Be careful with the low calorie intake. I did that once and I lost weight for about 5 weeks and then just stopped losing because I wasn't eating enough. That was a major bummer.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    10 pounds a month sounds high but probably doable, or close to anyway - just by eating well and exercising, you could probably save your money on the meal replacement stuff if you wanted to.
    However, 900 calories sounds extremely low to me, especially for someone your height and weight - are you under medical supervision to be on such a low calorie diet?
  • minnie86
    minnie86 Posts: 187
    Thanks everyone for your replies. I am not under medical supervision. I'm somewhat desperate and chose herbalife to start losing weight.
    You are right, I will increase my caloric intake. Sometimes being desperate makes me do stupid things.
    thanks again for all of your input
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Hey, don't worry, it's not stupid, we all want results and we're so bombarded with "lose weight quick" advertisements that I think it's easy to forget that getting healthier is a process that takes a little bit of time, and a whole lot of work (no matter what they say on TV!).
    You can do it, and even if you don't lose quite as much as you want to, I'll be you will be feeling healthier and looking even more gorgeous than ever :)
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