Starting again

Hello I'm new to this app and just starting to get in shape. I so need a support group to help and share diff ideas. It's so hard to eat healthy on the go!!


  • phyllis731
    phyllis731 Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome! Getting onto a healthy path can be intimidating. Hopefully we can be helpful! :)
  • adglac
    adglac Posts: 4 Member
    Indeed it can be!! I always seem to fall off b/c I'm never at home. I'm hoping to get some good ideas on healthy food on the go.
  • Simplysavvy793
    Simplysavvy793 Posts: 17 Member
    Looking for some new friends to keep motivated and to motivate me in my journey! Add me so we can begin this journey together!☺️
  • adglac
    adglac Posts: 4 Member
    How do I add?