Evenings and junk.

lauranora Posts: 2
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
HELP !!!!!

Has any one got any ideas as to what i can do to take my mind of snacking ?
I finish work at 5 pm and go straight to the gym but once i get home have dinner, sit down all i can think about is Junk food its driving my crazy as its effecting my weight loss and short of stitching my mouth shut i dont know what to do.
Im going to be a bridesmaid at the end of August and i desperately want to lose 15 - 20lb by then.

Please help :cry:


  • chloe2020
    chloe2020 Posts: 10
    HELP !!!!!

    Has any one got any ideas as to what i can do to take my mind of snacking ?
    I finish work at 5 pm and go straight to the gym but once i get home have dinner, sit down all i can think about is Junk food its driving my crazy as its effecting my weight loss and short of stitching my mouth shut i dont know what to do.
    Im going to be a bridesmaid at the end of August and i desperately want to lose 15 - 20lb by then.

    Please help :cry:

    I have the exact same problem as you! And weekends.... dont get me started on weekends!

    I'm going to a wedding bank holiday weekend in August and want to buy myself a nice dress to feel good in, I think if I could find something that wasn't ridiculously bad for but got rid of my sweet tooth that would suit me to the ground!

  • This is also my down fall, a couple of glasses of wine on an evening and before I know it I've raided the fridge, then the attitude of "I've broken my diet today, I'll start tomorrow" kicks in n I order a takeaway or head down the local shop for chocolate or Ben and jerry's.
    It a question of mind over matter really and recognising that it's a "habit" that u snack of an evening rather than craving snacks. I changed going to the gym straight from work to coming home first having my evening meal then going to the gym afterwards leaving less time in the evening to snack before bedtime. Boredom = snaking for me so if I'm tempted to raid the fridge I'll take the dog another small walk around the block or call a friend for a chat, anything to pass the 10 minutes or so I start to become tempted!
    I realised the issue definitely was "habit" so I did the above for a week or so and now I rarely think a bout snaking as it's no - longer "normal" for me to snack on a evening. Also have one "free" evening a week were u allow yourself to have what ever you fancy, this will keep u motivated to stay on track the rest of the week n make that free evening more enjoyable - u must try hard not to feel guilty on that free evening- and keep in mind that you've worked hard the rest of the week and you deserve it!
    Funny thing is when the weight loss starts and your new healthy habit life style becomes normal for you u more than likely will no longer want or need that "free evening" as going out in clothes that fit a feeling confident in yourself and your looks will be so much more rewarding!
    Good luck, hang in there and stay positive and focused! Yes snacks are nice but last for minutes before you begin to feel bad about yourself- confidants last longer.
    Oh and another thing try not to be so obsessed with scales - I used to find that I always feel disheartened if I weigh myself to often and did not loose what I expected, try and stick to once a month, u see a bigger result then!
  • lovejoydavid
    lovejoydavid Posts: 395 Member
    I bought the most whole grain, reduced butter, reduced salt popcorn that I could find, and eat it while watching whatever program I have decided to watch before going to bed. It seems to help, and even if you eat the whole bag, you are likely only getting around 100 calories. Between that, and most trying not to spend more than an hour or so just sitting in front of the TV, you can get by. Its either that, or move the treadmill into the family room to run while watching the tube!!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First, get all the junk out of your house (or hide it if it's for someone else) so it's not there to tempt you. And don't allow yourself to go out and get anything if you're craving. A little self-control goes a long way!

    Second, find a good substitue. I'm also a fan of 100 calorie bags of microwave popcorn - no thinking involved, just nuke it and plunk down in front of the tv and eat the whole thing if you want. Also, snacking on things like fruit or maybe some carrots and hummus, while they still have calories, would at least be a healthier alternative. If you like something cold, instead of ice cream, try the sugar free fudgecicles - they're so yummy!

    Third, are you getting a good amount of protein in your dinner? Protein tends to be more filling and usually if one is full, one won't necessarily want to snack.

    Fourth, etc - find something to do with your hands or turn off the tv and read a good book, or brush your teeth, or go to bed earlier....or even pop in a workout dvd to earn some more calories and then if you stil want that snack, you've eaned it.
  • lauranora
    lauranora Posts: 2
    Thank you everyone for your fantastic ideas and tips.
    I would not of thought of most of these and I will be trying all of them.
    First things first the cupboard are going to be cleared out of all Junk : )

    I did nt know you could get bags of 100 cal popcorn and i love the stuff so thats good news too.

    I will keep you posted on how im getting on.

    Many many thanks

  • CatClark
    CatClark Posts: 74 Member
    Here are some healthy sweet treats I enjoy in the evening :)

    - Frozen low fat yoghurts
    - Frozen banana slices
    - Low cal / low fat hot chocolate
    - Black Bean brownies (loads of great recipes online - low fat, sweeten with Agave syrup etc)
    - Low fat Greek yoghurt with a sprinkle of granola on top
    - Fresh fruit dipped in a little melted dark 70% cocoa chocolate (goes so much further melted!)

    Hope some of them sound good to you - I've made myself hungry now :D
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