35lbs to LOSE 0 LOST

I am a soon to be freshman in college and need all of the support that I can get to lose this loose extra nasty fat off of my soon to be "college boy" body since I'm not playing basketball this year I see that I now can't eat whatever whenever so will my fellow pals help me to lose this little 35 before move in day please and thank you all


  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Hello from Mexico !
    Feel free to add me, always looking for more friends :)
  • deanaferrari
    deanaferrari Posts: 18 Member
    I would say cut out carbs at one meal and boost your water intake to 10 cups a day (at first you'll think you're drowning, but it'll even out and you'll feel great). That's the most moderate diet I've ever been on and since you're so young and this may be your first attempt to lose weight, it will likely be effective on you. Good luck! Remember too that logging everything helps you stay honest too ;)
  • kyri_j
    kyri_j Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks really need to stop eating carbs even though it seems very uppity I will.....and thanks again for the feedback I really appreciate it @deanaferrari and @ElizaRoche
  • Beesknees22
    Beesknees22 Posts: 14 Member
    Logging your food is the best way to lose weight. It helps you become more aware of all the excess calories you usually eat and how to eat healthier. Plus if you follow along with your recommended calorie intake plan it makes losing the weight so much more easy. Also find an activity that you enjoy to keep you active!
  • kyri_j
    kyri_j Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the feedback @Beesknees22 I really am doing my best and decided to try out for track I guess we'll see how it goes
  • claraemerton
    claraemerton Posts: 8 Member
    Stay with MFP! I always go for like 2 weeks and think I know what I'm doing and can eat without logging it and that is a HUGE no-no! I'm going this time around with the mindset that I cannot stop!!! Beach vacation in June!