I've recently purchased BFBM and 30DS I intend to use these 2 as my only forms of workout 6x a week testing sundays but also considering buying NMTZ.

For a 248lber is it wise to be starting off with these or would it be too much too quick as I've read many reviews and extreme and hard comes up quite often? So far I've only done 5 days of the shred and stopped to give xbox kinect games a try but want to go back to it.
Also for a big girl with no definition is it worth doing the toning dvd trouble zones or 6 pack one if I'm not going to see the difference anyway under all the fat or should I attempt it? Lol!

Thanks for any advice :)


  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Any exercise is worth it even if you won't 'see' the effects right away. My mom is obese but exercises a few times a week and probably much stronger than I am! Building lean muscle (even if it's under the 'insulation' as I like to call it) will help you burn more fat. Go for it! Just remember to do what you can and don't get discouraged if you can't do all the moves right away. Even thinner, out of shape people have trouble (uh, like me!).

    Good luck!
  • Chrasschick
    Chrasschick Posts: 7 Member
    I am no expert but the part where you say "Also for a big girl with no definition is it worth doing the toning dvd trouble zones or 6 pack one if I'm not going to see the difference anyway under all the fat or should I attempt it? Lol! "

    HELL YEAH!!!!!

    If you are just strengthening your core or making yourself stronger, any muscle is only gong to make you burn more fat!!! And once you lose those lbs, dont you want to see those hard core muscles??????

    You go girl!!!!!
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    Thank you for the advice looks like I'll be investing in more jillian dvds.

    I know I won't be able to do it all or finish in one go but I'm going to push and try to do all 3 on rotation 6 days a week and hopefully will see a change then try the 6 pack one once I shed a few more tons, oops meant pounds lol

    Big hugs to all xxx