
I am one of over 100,000 people living with type one diabetes using this app I can now easily count carbs and log my food without any kind of struggles i am helping people be more aware about Diabetes. If you need any help or suggestions please ADD ME AND CHECK MY POSTS DAILY i will always have something new for you. I am also on an insulin pump which i use to give me insulin insted of 4-5 shots a day to one shot every 3-4days if you want more info please comment your question


  • Phriezia123
    Phriezia123 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, Darialee...I have been on MFP for a couple years and have just yo-yo'd my weight because I haven't been committed to losing weight. I need to lose 145 pounds. I have been diabetic for approx 6 years and am miserable. I am on diabetic meds and 2 types of insulin. I am my elderly mother's full time caregiver, although she is currently in a rehab nursing home after being in the hospital.
    My diabetes is not controlled. My numbers are mostly in the 300's and 400's. I haven't been to an endocrinologist for a couple years....mainly out of fear. Rather than try to help me figure out what my problem is they are conscending and I am intimidated. I am going to start going again, but I am scared.
    Any suggestions/insights you'd like to pass on would be appreciated. I don't usually reach out like this so I'm not sure how it works.
    Thanks and have a nice evening,
  • AnishaLikesPizza
    AnishaLikesPizza Posts: 48 Member
    I am going to add you also , although I'm not diabetic my six year old sister is , she was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 4 months ago , so everyday is a struggle, could probably learn a thing or two from you , we're also think getting her the pump , but baby steps