eating youe extra calories

lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
I ride my bike to work, i bike over 16KM to and from work up small inclines through pot holes in the blaring sun...I sweat alot i am sure MFP isn't correct when i log in my minutes and it tell me calories burned i know it's alot more than that....

I burn over 1200 calories a day when i take my bike to and from work and my Max to eat is 1200 calories and yes i eat the extra calories cause i need to or i will pass out while riding my bike...

Why are people saying it is not ok to eat the extra calories? Does it mean that i won't loose weight this is crazy....I need to eat the extra calories, i need the extra calories as long as i don't go over what MFP says i am ok right? I need that extra food it's like fuel for a car i need the fuel for my body to move forward


  • Mrsbonno
    Mrsbonno Posts: 38 Member
    i'm assuming you need to eat those calories because if you dont, you just completely burned up the energy you fed your body in the first place. (hope my words are making sense). When i work out, i eat the extra calories... maybe not all of them (just me) but i do eat some.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Actually you are supposed to eat them, that is the way MFP is set up. Eating them ensures your daily caloric deficit is at your goal amount to lose your goal amount of weight. If you don't eat them you will not be getting enough fuel.

    FYI: If you are biking you may want to use a HRM to get calories burned, as the more you get use to it the activity the less you will burn over time, as you will become more fit, and your body becomes accustomed to the activity. So what may be 1200 now, may be 1000 in 2 weeks and 800 in 2 months time.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    On this site, you are told to eat your exercise calories. If your bmr is 1200 and you burn off 1200, you need to eat about 2400 per day, plus make sure you are drinking lots and lots if you are sweating that much.
  • From my experience, I need to eat the exercise calories back as well. I rollerbladed 7 miles a day for a month and I didnt eat back my exercise calories so I had a 400-500 calorie day deficit. During a whole month period doing so, I didnt lose a single pound. Then I started eating back the exercise calories so I was hitting the goal MFP had listed and Immediately started losing weight again. They figure all that in, and the goal they set is the best for what a normal metabolism would function yes, I say eat the exercise calories back for the best results
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    you are right. eat them. you are suposed to. i don' t know why some people say don't. you will find way more people say do!!!!:drinker:
  • momof2sb
    momof2sb Posts: 8
    Amen girl, i completley agree with you 100%. If it gives you the extra calories you should be able to eat a little more and as for the calories burned i think that is just an estimation because they are days i walk almost one hour and jog in between and i'm sweating my butt off and it seem i burned more then they say espessially going up hill. So bottom line is i feel if you feel you are hungry for the extra calories eat..
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,162 Member
    It all comes down to whether you put your activity level on your BMR calculation. If you put how many mins a day you would workout (the part where it says plan to work out X mins X days) then I am sure you don't eat your calories back because the BMR automatically adds the extra calories. If you never put your activity on the BMR calculation then yes you need to eat your exercise calories.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I CHOOSE not to eat back my calories. There was so much conflicting information on whether to eat back the calories or not I just talked to my nutritionist and doctor. Both told me I do not have to so I do not. If I am a little hungrier after exercising, I will eat a little extra but I normally do not go over on my calories. What I do is a protein shot (26 grams) right after exercising and it helps curb hunger and keeps me from getting a headache.
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    thanks everyone...I dink PLENTY of water no worries, i find that taking my bike is so much easier with all the flipping traffic out there....I fixed my mfp to 30 min a day or exercise cause i can't take my bike all the time i am gonna fix it now....To 60 min a week at least cause i do take my bike at least once a week man what a workout that is....
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    thanks everyone...I dink PLENTY of water no worries, i find that taking my bike is so much easier with all the flipping traffic out there....I fixed my mfp to 30 min a day or exercise cause i can't take my bike all the time i am gonna fix it now....To 60 min a week at least cause i do take my bike at least once a week man what a workout that is....

    Your exercise goal does not factor in to your caloric intake, only the exercise you enter into the exercise tab does.
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    I just changed my goals to 3 workouts a week 60 min a day cause it does take me 60 min to and from work. It's good to know that it doesn't affect shouldn't it though?
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    I just changed my goals to 3 workouts a week 60 min a day cause it does take me 60 min to and from work. It's good to know that it doesn't affect shouldn't it though?

    No, as that is your goal to exercise that much. MFP does not add in exercise calories until you actually perform the exercise. Otherwise if you for some reason don't workout 1 or 2 days, you would have eaten more than you should have if your "goal" not your actual exercise was taken into account.
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    good to know thanks Erik :)