not losing weight



  • dilhun77
    dilhun77 Posts: 29 Member
    Why can't you order from online ?
  • mercuriopro
    mercuriopro Posts: 7 Member
    you may have reached a plateau. May want to change your work out. Have you checked out ? It's awesome and cheap.
  • tenkides
    tenkides Posts: 151 Member
    I can't get a credit card , so i can't buy stuff online. Where I live in Oregon there isn't a lot of stores. I don't have a gym membership but I would like one. All the gyms around me are $40 and more for a one month membership. I am trying to do everything at home. I am not pregnant but I look like i am because of the fat. Im not burning that many calories any more. I usually only burn about 100 calories every day.
  • HutchA12
    HutchA12 Posts: 279 Member
    tenkides wrote: »
    I can't get a credit card , so i can't buy stuff online.

    Well there is paypal, but I have trouble believing you bank somewhere with 0 debit or credit cards. If you are cash only ask someone to order it then pay them or look at what you've been eating and eat less.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    tenkides wrote: »
    I can't get a credit card , so i can't buy stuff online. Where I live in Oregon there isn't a lot of stores. I don't have a gym membership but I would like one. All the gyms around me are $40 and more for a one month membership. I am trying to do everything at home. I am not pregnant but I look like i am because of the fat. Im not burning that many calories any more. I usually only burn about 100 calories every day.

    If a scale is out of the question, look at what you are logging now and take off 100 more calories. You are probably over estimating your calorie intake, so reducing a little may help you in the right direction. Not everyone uses a food scale or can afford one. Try reducing a little bit and see if that helps. And walking is free.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Yes, if you can't get a scale or exercise because you can't go to a gym. Then eat less than you are now. If your using cups and spoons to measure and you're filling then to the top now try filling them 3/4 full instead.

    Since you aren't losing weight you are eating too much the only solution is to eat less or burn more.
  • kiara1066
    kiara1066 Posts: 119 Member
    tenkides wrote: »
    I can't get a credit card , so i can't buy stuff online. Where I live in Oregon there isn't a lot of stores. I don't have a gym membership but I would like one. All the gyms around me are $40 and more for a one month membership. I am trying to do everything at home. I am not pregnant but I look like i am because of the fat. Im not burning that many calories any more. I usually only burn about 100 calories every day.

    Hello, I just want to let you know I understand you can't go to the gym now because it's $40. However, consider walking outside more, walking back and fourth if you have stairs ( actually burns a lot of calories). I have a friend who walks back and fourth at her house, and I did it before as well get my steps that way. I buy items online, and you don't need a credit card to buy things online. If you have a bank which you probably do find one that you can open an account with and you can get a debit card in the mail in a few days. I purchase items online through Amazon with my debit card. And let's say you don't have a bank ( which I know isn't possible) you can buy it at Walmart the scale, or buy a gift card and use that for online translations. You don't have to burn a thousand colories to lose weight. You need a deficit use the mfp which will give you the amount of calories you can eat even without working out and you will still lose weight. If you do workout people often recommend eating back 30-50% of your calories back stead the machine and mfp overestimates. Best of luck!
  • EleanorLynn1989
    EleanorLynn1989 Posts: 130 Member
    Try seeing if you can buy a Visa gift card or something and then use that online. They sell them at most major stores, and a lot of places allow you to use them online. I've never used one because I've had debit cards since I turned 18, but I've seen them at places like at Meijer where I live, which is sort of like a Michigander version of a Walmart. haha Or even at places like Walgreens, and I might've seen them at Best Buy. They're pretty much all over the place. If you're unsure about who accepts Visa gift cards and who doesn't when ordering online, they usually have a "payment method" section listing the forms of payment they'll accept. And from what I've seen, Amazon will accept those.

    I got this really awesome food scale at Amazon a couple weeks ago that I'm absolutely in love with. I even gave it a review. You can check it out and it can give you an idea of food scales to look for under $25, even if you don't want to get it...
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    tenkides wrote: »
    I can't get a credit card , so i can't buy stuff online. Where I live in Oregon there isn't a lot of stores. I don't have a gym membership but I would like one. All the gyms around me are $40 and more for a one month membership. I am trying to do everything at home. I am not pregnant but I look like i am because of the fat. Im not burning that many calories any more. I usually only burn about 100 calories every day.

    you dont need a credit card a lot of grocery stores and dollar stores sell amazon gift cards. find one that does and buy one and order your scale. I live in the middle of wv and I live in a rural area and dont have a lot of big ticket stores but all our dollar stores and grocery stores sell amazon cards. my nearest gym is 60 miles one way. so I know your struggle. your grocery store may even sell a food scale, you never know.
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    I'm sorry, but all I'm seeing is excuse after excuse after excuse. You can't exercise because you can't afford a gym. You can't weigh your food because you can't afford a scale. You can't buy a cheap scale on Amazon because you refuse to get a credit card. On and on it goes.

    You have the internet. Therefore, you must have access to Youtube. There are a gazillion exercise routines on there that can be done at home. You can surely get a credit card, or a debit card (Amazon accepts those). Or you could buy a gift card. You must go grocery shopping somehwere. Are you sure there aren't any cheap scales in your grocery store?
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    You dont swim or can not swim anymore?

    And yes when not losing weight or inches for 2 months you eat to much calories. Weigh your food or eat less.... so take less calories in to create a deficit

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I bought my electronic food scale from my corner grocery store for $15.

    Weighing every little thing you eat is not a prerequisite for weight loss, it is however the very first thing i would look at and do if I wasn't losing weight.

    As for exercise, you don't need a gym. As mentioned, there are tonnes of you tube videos if you can be bothered, or do what i do and walk, walk and walk some more. Walking is the only exercise I do, and it's certainly better than nothing.
    I don't have a credit card either, but I do have a debit card, all banks offer them.
  • AlphaCajun
    AlphaCajun Posts: 290 Member
    I'm down 81 pounds since last January and I don't own a food scale nor have I ever stepped foot in a gym. You're eating more than you think.
  • tenkides
    tenkides Posts: 151 Member
    I can still swim but its a long drive and not a inside pool. I will keep trying i am tyered of being in pain every day with the extra weight on my ankles. Would interval training with running and walking help speed up the weight loss problem?also what is the ideal length for each one to have the most benefits? Please and thank you for posting.
  • BurnWithBarn2015
    BurnWithBarn2015 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Weight loss start in the kitchen eat less calories and you will lose weight
    When you are not losing weight your calorie intake is to high.

    So only solution when you can not eyeball your most of us... to buy a food scale and start weighing your food
    The little portion calories you "earn" with exercise you can use to eat back a part to fuel your body again.

    But like most people said here your problem is in your calorie intake
    You can run walk, swim or do any exercise you want, but when your intake is to high you still wont lose weight.

    And with such bad ankles...just walk till you are strong and light enough to run.
    I walked to start with the first months and i swam.

    Now i jog indeed, but took me some time to get used to it. And when you say your ankles hurt of the weight i wouldn't run at all and be very careful

  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited January 2016
    I don't have a credit card, either, but found a cheap food scale at Walmart for $10. I also found a nice bakers scale for $15 at homesense. Pharmacies, some hardware stores, supermarkets have these scales, too. Also, YouTube has fantastic exercise videos. There's always fitnessblender, too. Since losing weight, I haven't been to the gym, either. I walk, do exercise DVDs, YouTube, whatever I feel like doing that day. Losing weight isn't about exercise, though, it's about calorie deficit.

    Don't let anything get in the way of losing weight. No more excuses. You can do this.
  • ZeroDelta
    ZeroDelta Posts: 242 Member
    I don't have a credit card, either, but found a cheap food scale at Walmart for $10. I also found a nice bakers scale for $15 at homesense. Pharmacies, some hardware stores, supermarkets have these scales, too. Also, YouTube has fantastic exercise videos. There's always fitnessblender, too. Since losing weight, I haven't been to the gym, either. I walk, do exercise DVDs, YouTube, whatever I feel like doing that day. Losing weight isn't about exercise, though, it's about calorie deficit.

    Don't let anything get in the way of losing weight. No more excuses. You can do this.

    I was just in Aldi today. They had digital food scales for $9.99. Aldi even accepts cash! :wink: