How to eat more Protien/Calories

I restricted calories to cut fat and did great. Now I'm trying to add muscle but am having a hard time eating enough..Its that I'm full..not hungry. Any tips on easier ways to add high Protien?


  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited January 2016
    What is your protein goal each day? I am assuming you are in a calorie surplus?

    And do you eat meat and diary?

    My goal is 1 lb/body weight and without a protein shake a day, I will not make that goal. I eat lean meat (fish, chicken and beef) with 3 meals a day, plus my protein shake. I also add eggs (whites a whole), cheese, nut butters, nuts, whole grain bread, jerky snacks, pork rinds, milk.. I will also add Canadian bacon to my breakfast egg white omelets.. Yogurt (triple zero by dannon)

    Here: check this out....

    I am cutting right now (in a deficit) but I still have a high protein intake at each meal or at least what I can without going over my calories.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    If the problem is that you are full then protein shakes may be the best answer. You say you cut fat, did you make sure you were still getting the RDA of essential fats?

    With the exception of certain specific circumstances muscle gain will require you to eat a calorie surplus so you will need to eat more than when you were restricting calories so it might be time to add a few fats back in and plan your meals to allow room for lean protein sources, fish, lean meats, lentils, soya beans and quinoa etc
  • JACave21
    JACave21 Posts: 34 Member
    I have the same problem, Greek yogurt is pretty good in protein shakes extra little bit of protein and calories
  • lerskie
    lerskie Posts: 4 Member
    That's just the kind of idea I'm after, thx!
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    Suggestions can be made for high calorie, high protein foods but it may be easier to get a little context of what you may already be consuming.

    For instance, if you eat oatmeal in the morning, slap a scoop of peanut butter in there.
    If you enjoy sandwiches at lunch, put you an extra slice of cheese on it.
    Do you enjoy milkshakes? Have one, daily.

    Obviously, to get your protein up, you're going to have to up your calories too.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Carbs are more important when bulking. Just get .65 to .85 grams of protein per pound of body weight, .45 grams of fat, and fill in rest with carbs...
  • jennjenn760
    jennjenn760 Posts: 36 Member
    NDJ1979 is right. Carbs are going to be your new best friend when "bulking". I just started a bulk about 5 weeks ago and I'm finding it hard to not go over my daily protein requirement. Protein is going to keep you full for long time periods that's why when you diet down to cut fat you eat so much protein normally 1-1.5grams per pound of body weight, that, and to keep as much muscle mass as possible. When bulking lower protein and up your carbs. I realize everyone's body are different but I've been following a 50/25/25 split (50% carbs) and its fairing out pretty well.
  • lerskie
    lerskie Posts: 4 Member
    _incogNEATo_ thank u..added a scoop of vanilla Protien to steel cut oats this yummy!
    ndj1979 thank u for the conversion info, that will help!
    jennjenn760 thank u for sharing..I did increase carbs this past week feeling like it would help with energy as well and I was a little worried when I saw that some days I've been 40%+ on carbs, but I feel good. I will adjust to your info. You look great btw!
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    Personally, I start out every day with a protein shake and have one before bed. Between those two, already at 80 g protein. I also like snacks such as Greek yogurt, beef jerky, nuts, string cheese, cottage cheese. Then just make sure you get a good source of protein with every meal.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    edited January 2016
    How much are you eating over per day to create this muscle growth? You should aim for an excess of 250 cals extra a day which is about a half a pound gain a week. If you're hitting the weights 3 x week all body that should do it.