Anyone over 200lbs



  • Dezi1992
    Dezi1992 Posts: 61 Member
    Right here.....feel free to add me as well looking to lose bout 84lbs
  • sylver_dolphyn
    sylver_dolphyn Posts: 2 Member
    I just weighed in and I lost 1.5 pounds this week! So to date I'm down 2.8 pounds! I will take it! 1.3 last week and 1.5 this week! Please feel free to add me as well! We need to stick together and lose this nasty weight that we no longer want or need!
  • gothicravenangel29
    gothicravenangel29 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm over 200 and working on getting healthy. Would love to be friends.
  • abbyjean90
    abbyjean90 Posts: 3 Member
    I am over 200. Add me if anyone wishes!!
  • leesagent
    leesagent Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 207 lbs and have been fighting to get under that 200 lb mark for 10 flippin years! THIS is my YEAR ! I'd love to be apart of a support group :)
  • Zannabell82
    Zannabell82 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I am at 221 pounds and have no idea what i am doing or what i can do to lose pounds. I am going to be 18 next month and my goal is to lose 10 pounds this month. My long term is to lose 40 pounds by early June for my graduation. I do not eat much. My doctor said that my undereating keeps my fat on. I never reach the 1000 calories that i need everyday. I never wake up early enough to make myself breakfast. I much rather sleep than eat. Work somedays after school and somedays i have to stay late til 11:00 at night. I usually am tired everyday and not always in a good mood. This all has affected my grades. I do not know where to get help.

    I'm no dietitian, but I'm an excellent support partner. I'm currently trying to go from 220 (and size 18-20) to whatever is a size 10 for me.

    I need as many friends as I can get to cheer me on. Please add me.
  • ivanhogsmybed
    ivanhogsmybed Posts: 13 Member
    Yup, trying to go from 220 to 160 this year.
  • Blamoreau24
    Blamoreau24 Posts: 1 Member
    I am currently at 240. I stopped working out over the summer due to losing the motivation and I gained 25lbs. I am considered 50lbs overweight. Trying to start back up again and get myself into better shape. I was told about this app and I look forward to the journey ahead of me.
  • Veryana
    Veryana Posts: 122 Member
    Started with 260 lbs and trying to lose 120 :smiley: I sent you invite but everyone can add me freely :blush: