Losing a lot of weight

Hey I've got about 150 lbs to lose. I need all the motivation and support anyone can give me. Just getting started and think I'm starving!


  • 3blessings2011
    3blessings2011 Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck! You can do it! I know how you feel about starving. I think it gets easier in a couple of weeks. :)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Hello and welcome! Best of luck to you!
  • buttersbunch
    buttersbunch Posts: 180 Member
    edited January 2016
    If you are making healthy, balanced food choices you're NOT starving!

    Here are some helpful tips to help
    you lose weight successfully:

    1. Keep a food journal. Many people “graze” throughout the day and it isn't until they commit to writing down everything that goes in their mouth that they really realize how much they are eating.

    2. Keep hydrated!! Aiming for at least 1/2 your current body weight in ounces is VITAL for success! Water, coffee, tea, and other calorie free fluids can all count... keeping you properly hydrated
    to ensure against false hunger signals from dehydration, to help flush toxins out of your body, keep your skin healthy and keep you feeling your very best!

    3. Measure everything. Most people “eyeball” their food amounts and often each larger portion sizes as a result. However, sometimes you may be short changing yourself and NOT eating enough- so measure and weigh!

    4. Use Smaller Plates, And Use PRETTY plates. The smaller plates trick your brain into thinking you are eating more than you really are and will actually make you more satisfied! The pretty plates help to remind you that you are taking the time to care for someone VERY important- YOU!

    5. Stay active. This will aid your weight loss as well as keeping you physically and emotionally healthy! Walk... climb stairs... garden... anything that keeps you active and engaged with life!

    I lost 275 pounds (410 lbs. to 135 lbs.)
  • gallegos2522
    gallegos2522 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow that's so inspiring. Thanks for the encouragement and tips. I know I'm not drinking enough water. You should be so proud!
  • Linseymout
    Linseymout Posts: 159 Member
    Well done on making the decision to become healthier. Good luck on your journey!! You can do it!
  • Cambridge727
    Cambridge727 Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free add I have over 100 and plus pounds to lose
  • Janehds0284
    Janehds0284 Posts: 87 Member
    I started by drinking a lot of water and reduce portion of food (but keep it healthy)
    no deep fried and sugar, you will already start losing this way.

    good luck!
  • saggyandbaggy
    saggyandbaggy Posts: 138 Member
    edited January 2016
    If I can do it, then really you can! I have lost half my body weight (160lbs) and the trick for me was simply the logging of every single thing that went into my mouth - including medicines! It made me fully aware of what things weighed and that what I considered a portion was about double or more of the actual portion. Good luck and stick at it, get back on the wagon if you fall off and think that this time next year there will be a new you!
  • GloriaOsborn
    GloriaOsborn Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Gallegos 2522
    I'm just about you start on this yet another weight loss diet and I know at some point I will lose control and fail. However with all the support from other members in the same boat I'm sure we can do this together. Shame I don't know anyone in Margate to be a fitness pal. Helps to have a friend. Good luck hun xx
  • healthymein2016
    healthymein2016 Posts: 4 Member
    Added you! We can do this together!
  • rebeccaj822
    rebeccaj822 Posts: 92 Member
    If you are making healthy, balanced food choices you're NOT starving!

    4. Use Smaller Plates, And Use PRETTY plates. The smaller plates trick your brain into thinking you are eating more than you really are and will actually make you more satisfied! The pretty plates help to remind you that you are taking the time to care for someone VERY important- YOU!

    There is definitely a mental adjustment when you have been eating portions that are way to big, and then you start eating portions that are correct. Our culture has supersized everything. Just look at the size of a muffin over the last 20 years. It just keeps getting bigger. I agree with @buttersbunch. Changing plate size is a really good idea. And I love the idea of using pretty plates! Adding a little more effort to make different and new things can help too. Every want to try an indian curry? Or make your own soup? Somehow when it's new, smaller amounts don't seem so bad. Another tip is not making extras. I use to cook for twice the number of people than in the house so we would have leftovers. And somehow there were never any leftovers! Now I try to make the right amount.
  • Smart_Beautiful_and_Strong
    I'm trying to lose close to the amount you are and I'm always looking for friends so we can help each other along. I keep my diary open and love to share recipes and ideas.
  • rinskeep1
    rinskeep1 Posts: 7 Member
    If you are making healthy, balanced food choices you're NOT starving!

    Here are some helpful tips to help
    you lose weight successfully:

    1. Keep a food journal. Many people “graze” throughout the day and it isn't until they commit to writing down everything that goes in their mouth that they really realize how much they are eating.

    2. Keep hydrated!! Aiming for at least 1/2 your current body weight in ounces is VITAL for success! Water, coffee, tea, and other calorie free fluids can all count... keeping you properly hydrated
    to ensure against false hunger signals from dehydration, to help flush toxins out of your body, keep your skin healthy and keep you feeling your very best!

    3. Measure everything. Most people “eyeball” their food amounts and often each larger portion sizes as a result. However, sometimes you may be short changing yourself and NOT eating enough- so measure and weigh!

    4. Use Smaller Plates, And Use PRETTY plates. The smaller plates trick your brain into thinking you are eating more than you really are and will actually make you more satisfied! The pretty plates help to remind you that you are taking the time to care for someone VERY important- YOU!

    5. Stay active. This will aid your weight loss as well as keeping you physically and emotionally healthy! Walk... climb stairs... garden... anything that keeps you active and engaged with life!

    I lost 275 pounds (410 lbs. to 135 lbs.)

    Very inspiring. I have 114 to go - lost 60 before - i can do it again with some support!

  • gallegos2522
    gallegos2522 Posts: 6 Member
    I want to thank all of you for your support. It really helps to know there are others like me trying to do the same thing.