10,000 Step Exercise Tracker?

I am fairly new to myfitnesspal and had already gotten off to a pretty good start on my diet before a friend pointed me here. I started at 292.4 and my goal is a size 12 (whatever weight that ends up being).

I am now at 274.8 and have lost 17.8 pounds in the past 28 days-- but things have started to slow down.

I'm eating 1450 really healthy calories each day and have cut my salt and grains intake to a fraction of what they were. I've also given up my 40 year addiction to Diet Pepsi (4 liters/day).

I love the mobile app for all the obvious reasons.

I just checked out the "Exercise" tracker here and I wish there was a place to keep track of how many steps all of us pedometer users take each day. Lots of folks are doing the 10,000 step/day thing and I think it's the best way for a lot of us to lose weight.

I wish I could track *that* instead of how many "minutes."

Does anyone know if something like that might be planned?



"If you want to BE a size 12 you have to EAT like a size 12..."


  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    Actually, you can! There are sites that make little exercise tickers that track miles, steps, minutes- whatever you want! A lot of people add them to their signature on here. If you google it, I am sure you can find a good one :) Sorry, I can't remember the site I used for mine last summer.
  • wildst4r
    wildst4r Posts: 36 Member
    I've heard good things about the Omron Walking Style Pro pedometers. It's supposed to be VERY accurate and you can download your exercises to your computer. I'm getting the Walking Style X (a little cheaper than the Walking Style Pro but not sure if it's available in the US) for my birthday next week. Can't wait to try it out! :)

    Here's a link for the Walking Style Pro - it's currently on sale for only $32.99!!!:


    Hope this helps :)
  • finallychelle
    finallychelle Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks, Panda86! I'll check that out!
  • finallychelle
    finallychelle Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks, me620!

    My sweetie and I each have an Omron HJ-112 showing up in the mail (hopefully) today. I like that I can wear it on my hip, in my pocket, as a necklace-- or even in my purse!

    The model you're using sounds like it might be a model or two above the ones I've got coming.

    Everything I've read seems to support that Omron makes about as good a pedometer as you can get!


  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I know you might not want to hear this, but it's okay if it slows down somewhat. 2 lbs/week is the recommended weight loss upper limit. You seemed to be losing about 4.5lbs/week... which is super fast, and potentially, not good.
  • mrsfeuer
    mrsfeuer Posts: 69 Member
    I know tickerfactory.com has many ticker options and I've seen some tickers on the forums here of "steps taken."
  • finallychelle
    finallychelle Posts: 349 Member
    Actually I don't mind hearing that at all!

    2 lbs/wk was my original goal but apparently I was eating *so* badly that once I corrected it the weight just started falling off for awhile.

    I'm really not in any hurry. I just want to keep making progress...!

    Thanks for the comment, bunchesonothing!

  • finallychelle
    finallychelle Posts: 349 Member
    Thanks, Evie! I'll check that site out!
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    It's good to hear that your choices are making such a positive impact! :)