Looking for fndz to help me lose about 30 lbs

crystallawes Posts: 9 Member
edited January 2016 in Introduce Yourself
I want to get Bk in shApe after I had my baby looking for fndz to stay motivated and share ideas


  • Teresa320
    Teresa320 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also trying to lose 30 lbs. What is your plan? I just signed up for a 90 day challenge at Lifetime Fitness. It starts Feb 6th, but I'm trying to change my diet and work out now. My problem? I love to eat fattening food. Boo hoo! I haven't been good for a whole day this week, but I've been significantly better. Tomorrow I am going to try to stick to healthy food and 1200 calories. Wish me luck!
  • crystallawes
    crystallawes Posts: 9 Member
    I know the fattening food are very tempted to try trust me
  • ivey5442
    ivey5442 Posts: 5 Member
    How do i add friends to my fitbit account. I want to compare steps.
  • tuluahfonfield
    tuluahfonfield Posts: 4 Member
    I am looking to lose 25. I love this app, it helps to keep you on track and pick better food choices. I have been at the gym for the last two weeks and I have lost 5lbs. I know that's not a lot, but it is to me. Before utilizing calorie counting and exercising I could not lose 1 single pound. I was given 2500 calories but I have yet to hit 1500 or even 1200. I love food too but i decided to make better choices.
  • crystallawes
    crystallawes Posts: 9 Member
    Just stay focus
  • crystallawes
    crystallawes Posts: 9 Member
    Am not sure how to add fnds to your Fitbit account