I'm back

Hi everyone ,
It's been a while since I've really used my fitness pal having hard time getting motivated I tell myself every day things are going get better and I will reach my goals but to be honest it never gets easier each day I get more and more depressed that I haven't lost much weight it's a struggle I've had to deal with all my life when I was young I was really think but had body image problems I use to throw up my food use cut myself to deal with the pain it's been a huge battle with having a eating disorder and not wanting to love but things are a lot better I can honestly say I haven't purged in 5 years and haven't cut myself in 8 I've met a lot of great people on here and my fitness family. Any motivation would help a lot


  • zingisa
    zingisa Posts: 9 Member
    I'm sorry about your battles, I'm no expert on weight loss but this is a good place to be. I haven't posted anything on here but have found a lot of useful information, motivation and am slowly loosing the weight. I still find it hard and loosing 1lb some weeks isn't encouraging much but I keep going. I just have to loose the weight and quitting is not an option. Wishing you success on your weight loss journey