Pescetarian trying to go vegan

Hello! :)

I'm 30, reasonable sporty and now trying to go vegan.
I like my weight/body (5'7'' and 120lb) and not really looking to change it too much, maybe add more muscles.


  • idipyoudipwedip
    idipyoudipwedip Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I consider myself vegan, although I do eat free range eggs and am not against eating clams, oysters and mussels. I started this in June of 2015. My definition of vegan is to reduce harm to animals as much as possible and I think my choices reflect that. However, this can be hotly debated in the vegan community. So technically I am vegetarian, I think.
    I think it's awesome that you're considering this, though! I think my diary is open if you want to check out what I eat. I'm 5'4, 139 pounds (I last checked a few weeks ago. I don't like checking all the time because it drives me crazy. I should be less than this by now, though. My goal is 129 for my spring break vacation to Orlando and then I'll see how I look/feel. I like having a bit of fat on me though.) I'm 20 years old.
    I try to stick to simple meals like bean burritos, stir frys, Oatmeal, and homemade soups. However, I always fit some junky vegan foods into my calories because I'm not perfect!