Motivation gone

haven't been on the forums in forever so I figured I'd come back where I started.. I used to log religiously work out addictively but now I have no motivation.. Trying to get the mojo back to eat right and exercise and lose these pounds for good.. Arghh.. The struggle


  • janette41209
    janette41209 Posts: 22 Member
    I feel the same way... Its hard to stay motivated especially when you have already lost some weight. Idk what to do.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Logging is very easy, not sure how that could make you struggle. Log what are eating, after a week see if you can make improvements. Make a habit of logging, good or bad.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Logging is very easy, not sure how that could make you struggle. Log what are eating, after a week see if you can make improvements. Make a habit of logging, good or bad.

    Struggle isn't with logging.. It's more of the whole thing.. I use to be very gong ho in everything log exercise do this workout do that program etc.. I lost a good bit of weight, toned up felt better etc.. Then after life hit me I gained even more weight and now I'm fatter than I've ever been and much less inclined to do anything.. Having a hard time regaining that excitement I once had
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Real life smacks us all from time to time. You may never regain the excitement you had before, but if you just start taking baby steps, you'll start feeling better about it. Step those calorie overages down slowly over a couple weeks, walk a bit further every day, and pretty soon, you'll be back in the swing of things!

    You did it before, you can do it again! :)
  • e10aylve
    e10aylve Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everyone

    I was doing this about 3yrs ago. But I just got tired of logging in and "listening" to people go on and on about losing 10 or 15lbs when I only lost one. I got a fit tracker for Christmas and that along with myfitpal gave me something to look forward to. I try to make a game out of it. And now it's fun. I almost look forward to it.

    What I've learned is to not beat myself up when I eat more than I should. And once I see what I've eaten, I just tell myself I'll do better tomorrow.

    Being here with people who can give you a "mental boost" is the best place to start.
  • janette41209
    janette41209 Posts: 22 Member
    mrmarius wrote: »
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Logging is very easy, not sure how that could make you struggle. Log what are eating, after a week see if you can make improvements. Make a habit of logging, good or bad.

    Struggle isn't with logging.. It's more of the whole thing.. I use to be very gong ho in everything log exercise do this workout do that program etc.. I lost a good bit of weight, toned up felt better etc.. Then after life hit me I gained even more weight and now I'm fatter than I've ever been and much less inclined to do anything.. Having a hard time regaining that excitement I once had

    I understand mrmarius, I log everyday whether good or bad doesn't matter, but the motivation to work out for me is hard not b/c I can not do it but its a bit tedious for me especially when I have a 1 and 2 year old running around my living room. When I try and workout the crying starts or the I'm hungry or thirst or need a diaper change.
    What motivates you to keep going even if its at home?
  • tiggerlove
    tiggerlove Posts: 225 Member
    logging in is easy even if its the wrong thing that you eat but, having it to go back to will and should inspire you to eat better..its not easy keeping weight off but, you have to try..your only hurting yourself when you give are stronger than you realize and putting yourself down isn't going to help. Life hits all of us in someway or another. To the other person that said, you got tired of listening to people go on about losing 10-15 when you only lost one..that would give me more inspration to fight harder to loose more. Good Luck on your journey and don't give up.
    GUARDiAN_GUiLD Posts: 163 Member
    Hey man, it happens. We're all going through our own things, but just keep at it until it turns into a routine/regularity once again. Mix it up a bit with other exercises, maybe.
  • llbrixon
    llbrixon Posts: 964 Member
    Make small changes in your diet each day. Stay focused and busy.
  • christin14
    christin14 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been in the same rut for almost a year. After reading some of the " just for today threads" I'm slowly gaining back my momentum. Choose 3 goals every morning while brushing my teeth- just for today. As small or big as u can handle. Its really helped me.!!