New Weight Watcher SmartPoints Plan



  • riceflourde
    riceflourde Posts: 58 Member
    edited December 2015
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Anyone out there a WW member? They rolled out a new plan last week, with more of an emphasis on healthy eating. There are other aspects of the new plan as well. I'm a Lifetime member, who's been at or below goal for three years (yay me), so I'm trying to get up to speed. I have to confess that I use MFP to log food and thus count calories, not WW points. At this point, I can attend WW meetings, get materials and support, and must weigh in each month at or below goal in order to get all this free. I enjoy the group support but have been disenchanted with the program's push to buy their products (snacks, chips, shakes, etc.), none of which I thought were mindful eating choices. The new program calculates SmartPoints differently now, with the idea of pushing people to make healthier food choices, i.e. lower points for many proteins, higher points for foods with higher sugar and saturated fats. I think this is an overall good idea, and it kind of reminds me of some aspects of WW from many years ago, when I first joined. Are any of you current or former WW members?

    The part I put in bold is interesting. Eating healthy and food/macro type has nothing to do with weight loss. 100 calories of meat (protein) = 100 calories of cookie (carb), so for weight loss I don't understand the point value. I, however, do understand the points on a nutritional level.

    Every food is assigned a point value. They assign you so many points per day. Most produce has 0 points and they recommend you have 5 servings a day. Lean meats have low points. Whole grains have zero or low points.

    It's not a perfect system, Coke has less points than nonfat Greek yogurt with fruit on the bottom. I found the suggestions for dairy, pasta, and carb loaded cereal not to work for me. Overall though the point system (currency) encourages making good choices.

    For CICO Most people could not eat 2 Tollhouse cookies (8 points) and be satisfied for dinner. If they ate a chef salad (6 points) and then a banana (0 points) and a low fat cheese stick (2 points) for snack they are more likely to be OK with being done for the night.

  • Spidermurphy116
    Spidermurphy116 Posts: 8 Member
    Some time ago, someone posted a formula to add to your computer that would add the WW points to MFP. Does anyone have that for the new points system and if not do you have it for the old one?