Your excuses



  • CFoust72591
    CFoust72591 Posts: 62 Member
    I think my biggest excuse is that I'm a teacher. I wake up so early, commute over an hour, work my butt off until after school hours, commute over an hour home, still have to run a couple of errands, and by the time I get home it's almost dinner time. Hard to find time to exercise, and when I have the time, I just DON'T have the energy. At least not on week days. Not sure how to crush it, so just focusing on diet and trying to get my steps in at this point. Hoping soon I can figure out something that works for me.
  • perhapsormaybe
    perhapsormaybe Posts: 28 Member
    My excuse for a while was "dear god, it is cold out, I am not going out there!" but I have a Roku box and recently go the Daily Burn channel, so now I can't use that excuse. I also tended to go "But I get bored running" so I loaded cartoons and tv shows onto my tablet and when I do hit the tread mill I just watch those. So I can do that during the cold months and get back to running outside when it warms up again (and more important for safety, when it's still light outside during the hours I'm home).
  • Bostonbee79
    Bostonbee79 Posts: 40 Member
    I think my biggest excuse is that I'm a teacher. I wake up so early, commute over an hour, work my butt off until after school hours, commute over an hour home, still have to run a couple of errands, and by the time I get home it's almost dinner time. Hard to find time to exercise, and when I have the time, I just DON'T have the energy. At least not on week days. Not sure how to crush it, so just focusing on diet and trying to get my steps in at this point. Hoping soon I can figure out something that works for me.

    I hear you!! My commute isn't anything like yours. But I still don't have the energy after working with 8 year olds all day. They are wonderful, but so busy!
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    I tripped Friday and my right knee hurt too much yesterday for me to feel running or my body weight routine was a good idea. I was fine to do a run today.
    I think my biggest excuse is that I'm a teacher. I wake up so early, commute over an hour, work my butt off until after school hours, commute over an hour home, still have to run a couple of errands, and by the time I get home it's almost dinner time. Hard to find time to exercise, and when I have the time, I just DON'T have the energy. At least not on week days. Not sure how to crush it, so just focusing on diet and trying to get my steps in at this point. Hoping soon I can figure out something that works for me.
    I know a teacher. It's kinda nuts how much work you guys do!

  • hannaconda
    hannaconda Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom with a very needy baby, but I'll never use that as an excuse!! I'm only on week 2 of CHANGING MY LIFE, but so far I'm feeling really positive. Weekends are super difficult though
  • Huge1993
    Huge1993 Posts: 14 Member
    I always think and say to others:

    - If you can find an excuse today, that same excuse will be there the rest of your life.. If the excuse is good enough for you today, you have got no reason to not let that excuse influence the rest of your goals.

    - Initiating a change is EASY, making the change happen and keeping it will be HARD

    - Somewhat similar to the above one, but: In the beginning your MOTIVATION will be enough to keep you going. But after a while, you're going to face the same challenges without motivation. That's when things will get HARD, and you will have to show CHARACTER to push yourself. This will only make you a stronger human being.

    - The road to short term succes is always easier than long term success. But the rewards after a long term decision will be tremendously bigger.

    If ever I can't find motivation or energy to face challenges in life, I think of the above things. And ofcourse, it's not just about dieting/exercising, it's about living a better life.
  • bspringer544
    bspringer544 Posts: 155 Member
    @cparmenter72591 try starting with a simple 5 minute stretch in the morning when you wake. After a few days or weeks add in a 5 minute stretch before bed, then 5/5 stretch/cardio sessions and so on.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    My excuse was always "I've failed before, this time will be no different." Years of diet/exercise with doctors and dietitians and I had very little visible success. But a large part of that failure was that I didn't learn or document, so I saw no trends towards success. I did what I was told, I followed orders, but that's it. Once I started learning about nutrition and documenting the effects of what I've eaten, I started getting data that allowed me to see tiny successes. I think I gave myself a chance to see the trend of successes instead of what felt like daily failures.

    Even after losing 145lbs, I still don't see it. I see smaller clothes, but it doesn't click "that's me." However, I can see those data points, I see documentation of my daily struggles and I see trends of success. Regardless of how it feels, the fact remains what I'm doing is working. Talking myself out of success is maybe the one thing that I still find an excuse to do to myself. I still do that self-defeating talk and I still work on telling myself to shut up and keep going.
  • star1407
    star1407 Posts: 588 Member
    My disability. Yes I have a lot of pain and weakness, but weight loss starts in the kitchen. It became too easy to say I'm fat because I can't exercise, and it's not entirely true.
    Fear. I'm working on this at the moment. I know I need to increase my movement but I also know it will make my pain worse at first. If I can just get through the feeling worse, I know I'll feel better. It's scary to do something knowin it's going to land me up in bed for days at a time
    Great thread. I think we have all made excuses at one time in our lives. Let's smash them!
  • CrystalArmstrong1
    CrystalArmstrong1 Posts: 59 Member
    "I have all the time in the world, I can start tomorrow."
    "I don't feel good, I deserve to eat something comforting."

    I've beat them by realizing theyre excuses and nipping it in the bud.
  • JLG1986
    JLG1986 Posts: 212 Member
    My excuse: I have a slow metabolism
    My reality check: I eat too much. So now I'm taking control and counting calories!

    My excuse: I'm too tired
    My reality check: Part of why I'm too tired to work out or cook healthy meals is because I'm overweight and eating food with bad nutrition. So now I'm working to make better choices!

    My excuse: I already ate too much/skipped my workout today, I might as well give up and start again tomorrow
    My reality check: It's not one cookie that makes me fat. I want to live a life where I feel comfortable eating the one cookie. It's the giving up I have to conquer - and this is still by far the hardest one for me, and the reason why I have lost the same 5-10 pounds over and over and over again. But I'm taking one day at a time and trying to give myself grace for being imperfect but still expecting myself to keep going.
  • larali1980
    larali1980 Posts: 162 Member
    My current excuses/ how I will crush them:

    1. My daughter loves baking and has been making cupcakes. I have to eat them or I will hurt her feelings. / I can eat a half a cupcake and do an extra 20 minutes on the stat bike.

    2. It's cold as heck outside and I don't wanna/ Screw that, get bundled up and go outside.

    3. I'm a bit hung over today/ Drink lots of water today and try to exercise, then just say no to beer from now on

    4. All we have in the house is spaghetti/ Go grocery shopping tonight and get some other stuff
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I had one death in my family a couple of days ago and my marriage is falling apart. I have not eaten over my goal this week. I really want this. There is no excuse or good enough reason for me to derail my want and need for a healthy weight and body.

    atta girl !!!! ((((hugs)))) life sucks sometimes. been there done it all this past year!

    Thanks much!
  • egloffkatie
    egloffkatie Posts: 3 Member
    Today it is -10 with -25F with the windchill. So I am sitting here at working thinking it's too cold, I'm tired. But since I am taking a class I have other who are holding me accountable. I keep saying in my head, I will NEVER regret a work out. So I am going to go to my workout and warm up and look forward to a nice warm bath. PLUS I sleep so much better after a good workout. See!! I talked myself into my work out!!
  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    One day, there were no excuses. I lost 39 lbs. Then another day, I had excuses I'm burned out, I'm hungry, I'm in good enough shape I can miss a day, I can eat this burger, I'm skinny enough for now. Gained 15lbs back. Started going to the gym again, lost my mom, gained another 10 back. Then holidays, gained 4. Finally, there are no excuses. Back at the gym 4 times a week, working out 5 days, 6.4 lbs down. Sucks having to do it again, but I finally ran out of excuses and I only have myself to blame. That being said, I'm down 6.4 lbs! That's almost 10! It's a journey - up hill and down, I'm in for the ride.
  • xveer22
    xveer22 Posts: 93 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I have one excuse... PMS. I get really, really hungry. Wish I could find a way to crush that one. Still working on it...

    Same here! And the cravings are reaaaal
  • HelenRobertsNZ
    HelenRobertsNZ Posts: 16 Member
    I don't make excuses any longer - as a poster said above I either exercise or I don't, I keep within my calorie limit and make food choices that allow me to have 3 satisfying meals a day, plus chocolate when I feel like it.

    In the past, I've made every excuse under the sun - I'm so fat already that this large chocolate bar won't make a difference, I'm so unfit I'll never be able to exercise, I've got kids, I've got no money blah blah blah. You name it, I've thought it! I was scared to start for fear of failing.

    Getting cancer was one of the best things to happen to me - I realised my worth, my value in the eyes of my family and if I can manage surgery and 6 months of chemo then I can manage half an hour on the treadmill!