I'm meeeelting!

I have been in the 235-245 range for the past 10ish years. I have been consistently attempting weightloss (and at bare minimum preventing gain) since having my third living child in November 2014 and surviving my 7th pregnancy. I have really stepped up my activity and am trying really hard to eat unprocessed foods most of the time. The weight has been coming off as of late which is fabulous in a lot of ways. I am down 21 lbs according to mfp stats, but it's more like 30ish since I started tracking after I'd lost about 10. The more weight I lose the bigger my skin seems to get. Like I need to unzip it and slip into a smaller skin. It is so depressing. Everything just drips down, like I'm melting. My arm fat, my leg fat, and don't get me started on the horror story that is my stomach. It feels so unfair to work so hard and still look disgusting. I caught a glimpse of myself in a store front window while taking a walk on my lunch break yesterday and wanted to cry. I have worked really hard for every ounce of weightloss. I still have a lot of weight to lose at least 50 lbs to meet the magic number in my mind. I know that, but I can't imagine the amount of skin I'll be swiming in at that point.


  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    We are our worst critics when it comes to self image. I am sure that no matter how many folks tell you that you are beautiful and how proud of you they are for your weight loss and such, that you will still hold onto YOUR self image. I have lost 111 pounds over the past 16 months and I have those issues to deal with also. My big thing is remembering WHY i lost all this weight. All the important reasons BESIDES the visual aspect. Surround yourself with positive people and embrace all the great things that have come from your weight loss. ROCK ON!!!
  • lm2011grad
    lm2011grad Posts: 17 Member