Please help!

Good evening everyone! i am on a 1200 caleries a day diet. I have 80 calories left for today! Can i let it be or do i have to meet that? I do not like eating past 8pm


  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    let it be. You don't have to be precise
  • melissahartfiel001289
    Thank you lorib642
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Skip it. Either don't bother attempting to log for the day, or just say that you ate it, even though you didn't.
  • namelesshere
    namelesshere Posts: 334 Member
    You can let it be but make sure you don't ever go below 1000. Of course, a few peanuts will take up those 80 cal in no time.
  • KrisiAnnH
    KrisiAnnH Posts: 352 Member
    If you're not hungry you can just leave it for today, but it's important that you don't regularly eat under 1200 as it's already a relatively aggressive deficit. If you find you regularly have calories left at the end of the day then maybe try working to a weekly calorie goal? The calories you dont eat today you could save up for a treat on the weekend or something else another day :)
  • mgodfrey0202
    mgodfrey0202 Posts: 35 Member
    I have 1200 a day goal as well. I normally eat around 1400-1700 and do exercise or other activities to "leave a room" of about 400 cals or more if possible (meaning, if I had 1400, then I workout 600) to counterbalance the "inaccuracy". The caloric count cannot be accurate due to so many other factors. The way you cook your food, the exact portion that's in the package, the way your body absorbs and uses the nutrients, etc. These and more are all the factors why it can't be so accurate. You can be precise with your measure by using a scale, but don't expect that it's counting every single calorie accurately. So, be your best on measuring and recording everything you eat and make sure you eat enough fuel for your body. Depriving calories can actually condition your body to store more energy (in a form of fat) because the energy source is so scarce.