Getting Fit with Firbo

Hello all, I'm trying to re-create a healthy lifestyle with smart eating and exercise. I am 40, I have fibromyalgia, and I have 70lbs to lose. I'm finding it more difficult to stay fit with daily pain. I could REALLY use some support and some friends to help me be accountable and positive through my journey. I would love to connect with like people so we can help each other out! Lets do this together! I would love to hear any suggestions anyone may have for me!


  • mermaiden82
    mermaiden82 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi MishelW,

    I also have fibromyalgia, and between the pain and extreme fatigue it's become a detriment to weight loss as well as everyday life. I'm [nearly] 34 and trying to loose 30-40 lbs myself. Although I have a solid understanding of nutrition and generally eat healthy, it's the exercise that I struggle with most. Small, unique goals and rewards are a BIG help when trying to stay on track and stay positive (I'll elaborate more below). Accountability plays a huge part in success. I'd be happy to help if I can. I could use some accountability myself!

    Goal Setting 101
    (for anyone who isn't practicing this already, it's key):

    - Goals must be reasonable and attainable: smaller milestones like "lose 5 lbs," "get down a pant size," or even something like "do a 20 minute workout 5 days this week." Typically you want to target something that is possible but not too easy, and breaks your biggest challenges in to smaller, more manageable chunks. Good tactic for life in general.

    - Rewards are a MUST. They help reinforce success and motivation. What you chose for a reward is important, and it's personal. It has to be something special enough that it's not something that commonly occurs and will effectively motivate you. Think of something that would be sort of a guilty pleasure, or that you wouldn't ordinarily get or do for yourself, but would really like. It doesn't have to be a monetary/material reward either, just something that motivates you. Focusing on that reward will help you get through some temptations. Your reward has to be better than the temptation though!

    - Do not use food or any consumables (like wine/beer) as a reward- that's just counter productive.

    - Write the goals/rewards down and actually look at them regularly. Post pictures of the reward where you might see it often, or near your temptations. Using pictures are not just good for smaller goals, but for the big goal as well. Humans are visual creatures.

    - Do stuff that makes achieving that goal easier. Set yourself up for success. If the goal is to start doing yoga this week, make sure everything you need is ready to go/use. Go through the cabinets weekly and give away any tempting things that could sabotage your goals. Eliminate anything that might give you an excuse to not stick with your plan.

    - Change up the goals and rewards so you don't get bored.

  • MishelW
    MishelW Posts: 24 Member
    Wonderful mermaiden82! that is an awesome suggestion. I did at one point set a 5lb goal schedule like "210-Get nails done" kind of thing and honestly until now I completely forgot about it. So thank you for the reminder!
    Thank you!