Need help or tips to loose weight

Hi I'm Melissa and I'm new to this site. I have working on loosing 50 lbs it has not been easy. I would like to know if anyone has any tips to help me. I have started replacing my breakfast for a protein drink and cut out carbs to one a day no bread at all... No sodas and I walk more now that I have my Garmin vivofit 2. I have lost 9 pounds so far. Just need to stay motivated. Any tips at all please they will be more then welcomed!


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hello Melissa, and congrats on losing those 9 pounds. I am down 86 pounds using this app. Feel free to add me!
  • itsthehumidity
    itsthehumidity Posts: 351 Member
    Lose, not loose. You lose weight so that your pants become loose.

    Find a TDEE calculator, put in your information, and then multiply this number by 0.8. For instance, if you find out you burn 1900 calories a day, then 0.8x1900 = 1520 (round to 1500). You'd then eat 1500 calories per day (just an example).

    Prepare and portion all your own meals. Stick to the "edges" of the grocery store. That means eat mostly produce and meat/dairy/fish. Leaner proteins make it easier to keep calories down, so stick with chicken breast and seafood. Carbohydrates are fine, but in moderation. Fat is fine, but in moderation.

    Get some exercise. Most women, I've found, like flamboyant synchronized classes with other women. They're decent exercise, so do something like that. If you want to do something that involves progress over time, read and follow Starting Strength, which teaches you the barbell lifts.
  • bbadbetty1089
    bbadbetty1089 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Melissa, I'm 42, have been through this since having my 2 children. My best advice is to eat everything in moderation !! Drink water, stay moving and busy. Stay away from sugar as best you can, also stay away from alot of salt. Have a goal of 1-2 lbs a week. Stay away from fast food completely and processed food. Fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meat. Type out recipes that are new to you that you find along the way, try new ones, and keep them on a cork board next to your stove or on front of your refrigerator. Eat alot of fiber, start out slow and add to it.Keep your kitchen clean and counters at all times. Find out which snacks work best for you, and never run out. For instance, I love Greek yoguart, have 1 a day, everyday as 1 of your 3 snacks or in between meals. Popcorn, natural w/ very little salt, zero butter, Weight Watcher snacks and or ice-cream, they are 2, 3, 4 points each and very good for the 1 treat you can have everyday. On this app it will count your food in calories rather than points. :) I could go on forever, put up inspirational quotes in your house, kitchen, car doors, etc... Stay true to yourself !! Do what you love for 15-30 mins everyday, if you have time at night and love tea, make a hot cup and take the time to unwind. If it's coffee, wake up and have that 1st cup sitting down and enjoy it for 10 mins. Take time when your eating and realize you are eating and enjoy. Depending on your life and how busy and hectic it is, if your a Mom or scheduled to the max. Let go of something that you could let go of !! Best of Luck !! You can do this !! BE PREPARED WITH YOUR FOOD, DON'T RUN OUT THAT WAY THERE ARE O TEMPTATIONS, ALWAYS EAT 5X'S A DAY LIKE IT OR NOT, KEEPS YOUR METABOLISM MOVING !!! 3 In between meal snacks examples are yogurt, popcorn, fruit, veggies, hummus, salad, W.W. 1 point mozzarella cheese stick, 2 pieces turkey. I have Garcinia Cambogia that I heard of and found a good deal on Amazon. It is a weight loss supplement you take in the morning, it suppresses your appetite, and other things included. Read the bottle, it has been the latest Rave so to speak !! Look up on the web, see if it interests you !! I have tried a couple things, and I find this really does help to keep you on track. Again, Best of luck !! Beth p.s. I just joined this app today, looking forward to using it !! :)

  • AngryGangrel
    AngryGangrel Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Melissa, grats on your weight loss so far! Feel free to add me as well.

    As far as tips go...

    Walking is GREAT.

    You don't need to count carbs unless you have a medical condition where you have to regulate your insulin levels. You don't need to cut out bread unless you are allergic to gluten. There's nothing wrong with a little bit of soda once in awhile, if that's truly what you're craving. You don't need protein drinks to replace breakfast. If you like them, and they keep you feeling full until lunch, then by all means use them--but they're not necessary to lose weight.

    In the end it's all about calories. Use MFP's food diary, it's a great tool to keep track.

    Calories are not evil. They're fuel, that's all. Too much fuel gets stored as fat. Your body doesn't care if calories come from jelly donuts, or a dish of lean chicken, brown rice, and broccoli--if you eat more than you use, the excess all goes into storage on your frame. It's just that the jelly donuts give you less nutritional bang for the calorie buck.

    To lose weight, you actually need to eat enough calories. Your body burns a lot of calories every day just by functioning. You need them. Dropping your calorie intake too low is counterproductive in the end.

    There will be days when you exceed your calorie limit. Don't get upset or feel like a failure. Brush it off and just tell yourself tomorrow is another day, and you were just loading up on fuel to walk an extra couple of miles! (Then do it.)

    There will be weeks where you plateau, or where the scale goes in the wrong direction. That happens to everyone. No one's weight loss is linear. Plateaus are normal. If a plateau goes on for a few months though, maybe it's time to readjust your goal calorie intake, or try a new exercise routine.

    There will be days when it's magic: you feel full and satisfied after every meal, you won't have cravings, you'll love walking, your clothes are getting looser and people say "You're looking great!" Or you find you can climb some stairs with ease, when before you were huffing and puffing. Cherish these days and the non-scale victories. There will be other days when everything is a chore, from preparing a healthy meal to just putting on your shoes for a walk. Cherish those days too, because pushing forward when it's a challenge is what makes you stronger.

    You can do this!
  • krissy1az
    krissy1az Posts: 1 Member
    Ive lost 33lbs in the past year, 20 to go. Whats helped me most is my trainer has me text her my calories at the end of each day. What you eat is 80% activity is 20%. I find when i get in the zone of my workouts, always needing to excede i also need/want to eat more. So theres a balance that needs to be found. Knowing I have to do this, I will skip dinner if I over indulged in chocolate that day, or just have veggies. Yes I know, not the best but we all have our vises. You got this!