Fitbit help needed...

lreints Posts: 23 Member
edited January 2016 in Fitness and Exercise
I just got a fit bit and it's adding in soooo many calories. I obviously don't plan to eat them but I want it to be accurate. It's showing I took 7972 steps and it's giving me 1246 calories back. What am I doing wrong. Do I need to change a setting?


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Sorry I can't help you ,I don't have one. But if you do not receive any replies maybe try editing your title to " fit bit help needed " so it will be a little more eye catchy for those with fit bits.
    Hope you get your answer!
  • lreints
    lreints Posts: 23 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Sorry I can't help you ,I don't have one. But if you do not receive any replies maybe try editing your title to " fit bit help needed " so it will be a little more eye catchy for those with fit bits.
    Hope you get your answer!

    I will do that now!
  • jonoc87
    jonoc87 Posts: 23 Member
    Your not doing anything wrong, fitbits over calculate calories, especially for walking. All these sort of gadgets do is build estimations on their own formulas.
  • lisameister13
    lisameister13 Posts: 10 Member
    Is it adding the 1200 to your mfp diary on top of what mfp recommends?
    The calorie count given by fitbit is how much you've burned total throughout the day -- calories needed to just exist plus any burnt beyond that. Mfp already takes your calorie burn just to exist into account to give you their recommendation on how much to eat.
  • lreints
    lreints Posts: 23 Member

    Here's what it looks like.
  • lreints
    lreints Posts: 23 Member
    Ps...I ate like crap today.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I only get a couple hundred extra for that many steps. Don't know why the huge diff/ maybe age or weight? I pretty much ignore most exercise cals just because mine dont add up to much despite daily workouts and lots of steps. I just figure it's a bonus deficit.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    There is a Fitbit users group. They might be able to help. I have one, but mine just gives me a few hundred calories at most
  • Blackdawn_70631
    Blackdawn_70631 Posts: 283 Member
    lreints wrote: »
    I just got a fit bit and it's adding in soooo many calories. I obviously don't plan to eat them but I want it to be accurate. It's showing I took 7972 steps and it's giving me 1246 calories back. What am I doing wrong. Do I need to change a setting?

    What I do. I don't go off that.
    Take your numbers off of MFP of how many calories to eat a day, then go over to Fitbit and edit your "calories burned". Put your MFP number into calories burned.
    That will help balance you better on fitbit.
    Even if it's saying you have all these extra calories to eat on fitbit, if you are close to calories burned, which is what you ate on MFP. You get the green zone.
    You also get to see how many calories you are burning to. If you eat more than you burn, or burn more than you eat.
    Hope that made sense.
  • soniaf
    soniaf Posts: 106 Member
    maybe the fitbit has your weight entered wrong, like as (say) 200 kg instead of 200 pounds? Check your settings?
  • MezaEza
    MezaEza Posts: 267 Member
    What sort of Fitbit do you have? If you have one of the models that records your heart rate then your calorie burn is related to your heart rate throughout the day and is more accurate. But if not, I'd definitely check that all your details are entered into fitbit correctly
  • lreints
    lreints Posts: 23 Member
    All good ideas. It's a Fitbit charge hr.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    edited January 2016
    I calculated my lowest TDEE based on an underestimated exercise level... less 20% and worked off of that. Not logging my exercise. It worked. I needed to net 1625 roughly.
    Now with my new HR I like the integration of the two apps. I set my MFP goal to 1200 and movement to sedentary- I Never used MFP calculations for calorie needs anyway... so for now Im just watching to see how the calories from exercise/being alive tally up. Already knowing in my head netting 1625 equates a loss each week.
    Yesterday my FITBIT said.... You've earned 816 extra calories from exercise today (I had 14,186 steps)- telling me on MFP to eat 2016 calories. Im not too sure. I still just ate my 1625. I have no idea if my settings need to change or if I should trust that calculation or what. Playing it all by ear. :)
  • lreints
    lreints Posts: 23 Member
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    I calculated my lowest TDEE based on an underestimated exercise level... less 20% and worked off of that. Not logging my exercise. It worked. I needed to net 1625 roughly.
    Now with my new HR I like the integration of the two apps. I set my MFP goal to 1200 and movement to sedentary- I Never used MFP calculations for calorie needs anyway... so for now Im just watching to see how the calories from exercise/being alive tally up. Already knowing in my head netting 1625 equates a loss each week.
    Yesterday my FITBIT said.... You've earned 816 extra calories from exercise today (I had 14,186 steps)- telling me on MFP to eat 2016 calories. Im not too sure. I still just ate my 1625. I have no idea if my settings need to change or if I should trust that calculation or what. Playing it all by ear. :)

    Seems like you're in the same boat as me then.