When trying to lose weight, what do you usually do at the gym?



  • MrsJBro
    MrsJBro Posts: 59 Member
    Exercise is a great component to any wellness plan, including weight loss. One of the benefits of building muscle is it increases your metabolism, burning more calories at rest. It also helps sculpt your appearance as you lose weight. Helps straighten out your posture, and strengthen your bones as well. No it cannot be the only component to a weight loss program, obviously, but it's a key factor in improving your health & appearance.
    Personally, I do 3 resistance training routines a week, and 3 separate cardio routines. Resitance training varies depending on the routine, but it's usually free weight circuits with multi-joint movements. Keep my heart rate up, and the rest between sets pretty short so I can keep the calorie burn up. Then on cardio days I use a lot of interval training, and other time long slow distance. Great calorie burn and fun. If you ever need more detail please give me a shout :)