Exercising with Multiple Sclerosis

I have MS and the best exercise I can do is walking and yoga Just get up and move!


  • aggiepigeon
    aggiepigeon Posts: 2 Member
    I have had MS for 13 years now and I move when I can and rest when I need to, one thing I have found though is that the more sedentary of a life you live, the harder it will be to start moving. Eat healthy foods to nourish your body and start simple...and I second the yoga thing, it is lovely for my spasticity and really helps my balance!

    I run half marathons and lift weights as well as yoga but it took me a while to get there, I was 100 pounds overweight when I was diagnosed but now that I am a fit person (at least more fit and not 100 pounds overweight--only 30) my MS exacerbations are easier to handle and I recover from them more quickly. Push yourself to do your very best and you will see the very best results!
  • MrsJBro
    MrsJBro Posts: 59 Member
    My mother was diagnosed with MS when she was 16. For over 30 years I've watched the disease progress, and I can assure you the one thing she wishes she had done more of was exercise. Specifically strength training for both core and lower body. Building neural pathways. And yes, yoga. Her fatigue was overwhelming sometimes, but even doing a little could go a long way. So keep doing what you're doing! Move every chance you get :)