New and Looking for Friends! Here's my story....

Hello all,
I'm Steph I'm 27 and from NH.

Joined so I could get a handle on my weight once and for all.
Too many dinners of pizza and jalopeno poppers followed by a pint of ben and jerrys and wayyyy to little exercise (depsite my 40$ a month gym membership) has gotten me to a pudgey,squishy,gross 255 lbs and I am ready for a change

In 2005 I went from 243 to 181 in 7 or 8 months by calorie counting and using an elliptical machine 5 days a week for an hour or so. But I'm back to that fat bad place I was at before. I'm wicked disapointed in myself. One good thing is I know I can do this I have done it before and I have no more excuses.

My wedding is 16 months away and I am petrified of trying on dresses and looking like a whale. I want to get to <200 by January of 2012 when i'll start my dress search....that's my short term goal... long term goal is up in the air. I havn't been <180 for almost 10 years. When I started college I was a svelte 155 and looked AMAZING. (If only I had known then...) with college came drinking and eating with friends and by the time I graduated ( except for that weightloss stint I mentioned earlier which was short lived I was ~215lbs) Since I'm older now and not delusional or into self imposed suffering (which it would take to get and stay under 160) I'm planning on maintaining between 170 and 180 which would have me at a 12 size wise and looking considerably less pudge-tastic. I have a large russian frame (8" wrists size 10 feet) and I can deal with not being "skinny" I just don't want to be "fat".
I want to have a baby in a few years and I want to be healthy beforehand. Plus if I keep going the way I am now I will have health issues which I don't want. I want to like the way I look in picutres and not have to take a hundred so i can find a few where I don't look so big. I want to be able to see my hip bones again they are buried right now!

So here I am . I'm down 5 lbs since last friday obviously water weight but awesome non the less. I have been exersising this week which is pretty close to a miracle. Went to zumba last night for first time (whole nother story could be written about what a uncoorinated spaz I am...but I was sweating like crazy!) did the elliptical monday and dragged my fiance on a 2 hour walk on sunday. Tonight I am attending a strength class and then a kickboxing class. I have been pretty good with calories all week except for yesterday I've stuck to my goal amounts. I need to reign in the eating a bit and focus on healthy food more....but one thing at a time.

I'd realllly like to be <240 for the end of july. <220 by Halloween and <200 by late January.

I just have to put in the work and it should be doable

I am happy to be here and if anyone would like to be friends that would be great!


  • Quierstina
    Quierstina Posts: 201 Member
    Hello! I think your goal is totally attainable. Good luck and I'm here if you need support :)
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Hey Girl! Add me if you want.

    I havent been VERY yoyo - but I did lose big once - then gain even bigger.
    Ive been 220 to 155 back to 315 and now I am on a slow and steady decline.
    We are about the same pace right now (im battling getting/staying under 260 at the moment)
    But I also have a large frame with giant feet ;)

    I wish you the best of luck and happy journey. Its hard work - but I hear its worth it on the thinner side of the fence
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    Welcome! You'll love it here!
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    always happy to motivate and we have a similar story so, feel free to add me if you'd like some more motivation :smile:
  • Yeoville
    Yeoville Posts: 9
    Today is my first day too -
    Good luck hun!! You are gonna do great!

    add me :)
  • AMSalaz
    AMSalaz Posts: 16
    A healthy bride is a happy bride! My wedding was two years ago and I congratulate you on yours. Stay healthy, work off any stress or delegate responsibilities. YOU CAN DO IT AND LOOK BEAUTIFUL DOING IT!
  • xdmsilvax
    xdmsilvax Posts: 4
    You can do it, but don't do it for your wedding, do it for you life and your future husband and your future kids so you can run around and do activities that you both enjoy doing. I know some days are hard, weight is a struggle I've deal with all the time, but now with my fitness pal it's a lot easier to keep a track of.

    Add me if you like, I feel like this journey will be easier with friends

  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    Your story sounds a lot like mine :) Good luck with your weight loss! Sent you a friend request.
  • jocelynlewis
    Well welcome to the fam!