230 to 180 to 260

So, I reached a lot of my goals in the past, and then regressed tremendously thanks to me just giving up on life. SO, now I'm back at it again. I'm trying to lose 3.2 lbs a week and really need some support from males and females :):) so add me, let's talk, let's be friends.


  • happykee
    happykee Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, I also would like to lose 3 pounds/week. Add me as a friend, if you like.
  • sarahmid44
    sarahmid44 Posts: 1 Member
    This title sounds just like me. I am at the highest I have ever been, but trying to get back at it. I'd love some new accountability partners!
  • rsmith8988
    rsmith8988 Posts: 3 Member
    Your title resonates with me as well. Started at 230, got down to 190, now I'm almost 250. Would love to build a strong support system, add me! :)
  • WY_sunshine
    WY_sunshine Posts: 3 Member
    edited January 2016