Looking for some girls in the same boat as me..... 220lbs-130



  • cobainbuzz
    cobainbuzz Posts: 10 Member
    Im in the same boat. Im at 215 right now, would love to get down to 120. Iv had alot of success losing in the past. At my heaviest in 2012 (pregnant with number 2) I was 280. I screwed up tonight at dinner and I feel awful about it. I need mfp friends, i want 2016 to finally be the year that I shed this fat suit.
  • hjlund
    hjlund Posts: 6 Member
    Send me a request, I will add you. In the same boat.
  • nexusklingler
    nexusklingler Posts: 1 Member
    I started at 232 lbs and got down to 139 lbs and now I'm back up to 160 lbs! :-(
  • hjlund
    hjlund Posts: 6 Member
    Everyday is a new day to start over. If you mess up one day you can't talk yourself into that being a failure. You start all over the next day. Together we can do this.
  • weightlossissues
    weightlossissues Posts: 28 Member
    At 200 looking for 150 at this moment. When I hit that goal then I will work on 20 more. In 2 weeks have lost 10lbs. You can add me if you would like! :)
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I started on this journey a few years ago, at my heaviest of 259.1 pounds. I then lost about 90 pounds and got down to 169, then over the last few years snuck back up to the 220's again. I had lost motivation and was in a car accident and was injured, and many other excuses. I have recommitted this month and I am on track to get back down to Onederland again! Would love to have others that are totally motivated and in the zone to help along with this journey!
  • kiwipotato
    kiwipotato Posts: 3 Member
    Very similar starting weight. I'm 216lbs and in my first week of finally trying to do something about my weight... no budge yet on the scales but I'm definitely feeling the benefits of the exercise! My goal at the moment is to get to 170 lbs (keeping in mind I'm quite tall - 5'10"). Will add you.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    I started at around 210 and now I'm 130! You ladies can do it :)

    Regarding binge eating: I have the same problem and it's getting better. My belief is that when you get the urge to binge, you should realize that they're just urges and you chose to give in to them or not. Urges are in your mind, but it's your feet that carry you to the pantry. Saying no to the urges eventually quiets them! Since I've taken control of my binges, I feel so empowered. There's a great book called Brain Over Binge that was recommended to me and I really think it could help you :)
  • jokoh92
    jokoh92 Posts: 112 Member
    I too am trying to lose over 75lbs. Highest weight was 283 and now I am at 205! I havent been that weight since elementary school. I know how it is to be a binger and it is so hard to break that vicious cycle but I am here to tell you like someone said above, if you want it bad enough, no amount of cravings will stop your hunger to succeed.

  • solplante
    solplante Posts: 1 Member
    It is my first 9 days and it is not easy. I started with 193. My goal is 135. I need help friends!
  • tkmotivation
    tkmotivation Posts: 19 Member
    Added you and sent a PM!
  • kafa21
    kafa21 Posts: 1 Member
    My SW was 224. Today the scale said 191, and I have about 65 lbs more to go. I've found that it's easier to focus on the five lb increments rather than getting overwhelmed by the large amount I still need to lose. My next goal weight, for example, is 189 and then after that 185. So much easier to focus and appreciate these little milestones.
  • pierson_lauren
    pierson_lauren Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 190 wanting to be about 140. Add me!!
  • lilmisstata
    lilmisstata Posts: 12 Member
    Hey everyone! I am looking for some girls to chat with and motivate one another that have around the same goals as myself....

    I am 220 and looking to lose 90-100lbs...
    I am looking for healthy tips, to break my binge eating.... etc..
    hoping to find some people to chat with and help me through this journey! ADD ME :)

    Hey!! That's me too. Please add me or I will add you.
  • lilmisstata
    lilmisstata Posts: 12 Member
    edited January 2016
    medi_first wrote: »
    Same boat here. Was my heaviest at 229. I am at 219 now. Goal of around 140-150. I have no problem losing, have a hard time not gaining it back.

    LUCKY!!!! I'm the opposite!!! I have a hard time losing it, but I didn't put it on overnight either. It was a slow and steady climb up.
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    edited January 2016
    I went from over 400 pounds (scale only went that high) to 199. Then binged my way back to 260. Please add me, we can beat the binge together. I only have my phone app, so it's hard to add people, I would love some new friends going into 2016.
  • Jallensoon2b
    Jallensoon2b Posts: 7 Member
    Add me, Started at 204 was at 158 3/2015 now I am at 169. Goal is to be 130 or size 9/10.
  • brookej8688
    brookej8688 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey I am right there with you gals. I am 27, started at 230, now I am at 228 and looking to lose about 100lbs. I would love motivation, and to help motivate you as well. anyone can add me. :D
  • PrimalJillian
    PrimalJillian Posts: 1,129 Member
    edited January 2016
    There's a lot of talking about binge eating, so I thought I would share a bit. I was a binge eater. People would laugh when I'd mention food addiction, but I tried not to let it bother me. The way I broke through the binging was by coming to terms with the fact that I wasn't doing anything enjoyable with my life. Everything was obligation or responsibility. I didn't even do fun things with my kids because I was too big to be able to move freely. I would sit and watch them have fun. Food was my only fun, so I made a list of what things I wanted to do for me and started doing them. The binge eating didn't stop immediately, but it did taper. Now, I know that when I want to eat everything in sight until it's gone that I really need to do something for me. I'm sure it's a different underlying issue for everyone, but maybe this will help at least one person. <3
  • aimee1987
    aimee1987 Posts: 21 Member
    Hope you don't mind but I've also sent a lot of you fr. Looking for new friends so feel free to add me.