All Laid Out!

aprylc20 Posts: 18 Member
Okay, So this is my first time on the blog, topic site. I signed up a couple of weeks ago and didn't follow. But I found myself looking at my body yesterday while sitting next to my fiance Brian and kept thinking.. WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING?!!? I NEED to get this weight off of me! I am 24 years old and have ALWAYS been over weight. I have some motivation to lose weight before our wedding in November. But in general I need to get healthy.

I have an old time friend who lost 73 lbs using this. So I figure why not give it a try. I am currently 275 lbs. WOW. that was hard to just throw out there in the universe! *sigh.. I cant believe I let myself get here. After I had my daughter Layla I thought hey it will just fall off. Umm shes 2 1/2 now! Although, I am not AS big as I was when I had her its just to close for comfort! Then after I had my gallbladder surgery last Nov. I was eating healthy and losing weight. I lost 10-15 lbs. It was a big deal to me!! Then I gained it all back because of the holidays :( Now, I am just here. Just constantly telling myself, dont eat the pizza! I eat it anyways, Dont eat the m&m's I eat it anyways. I find myself snapping at my fiance when he tries to help me by telling me dont do it! That just makes me more prone to eating bad things! I am a HUGE emotional eater! I get upset I just want a F*cking candy bar!

Its really non stop for me. I am trying now.. I have VOWED myself to try! I need to get all this fat/unhealthiness off myself. I can see a cute figure under there. I dont need to look in the mirror and see a double chin! I keep telling myself if I just lost the weight last month I would be small already (which doesnt help). I have been taking my daughter out on walks everyday. I am also in the fashion industry where its all about looks. Let's be frank if I was smaller I could get a better job. If I was smaller I could run with my kid up and down the hall without getting winded! If I was smaller and I could better for my soon to be husband. If I was smaller I could be better FOR ME!!!

I would love the support. I mean if you guys can do it I CAN DO IT!!!



  • tezarozaboza
    tezarozaboza Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there

    Welcome to the site. I'm a newbie too and so glad I joined.

    You get so much support hear and there is always someone that can answer a question you have.

    Good luck in your journey!

    Terri xx
  • Jessica5000
    Hi & Welcome,
    I can relate about the supportive/unsupportive fiance. When he tells me don't eat this or that, I eat double. I don't want to be controlled. I think if he wants a skinny girlfriend, go get one. I can't take all this pressure. I thought like that for a LONG time and it's hard to retrain the brain. I haven't worked out in 4 days (but I am today :). And he said don't stop working out, I don't want to see you stop after you have put so much work in. He made me understand that he wants this for me, not for him. I'm always down on myself cause I eat crap, don't work out, nothing fits one month and the next I'm all eating great working out and in a great mood.

    Ah it's hard. But if you are ready, it's a great place to get control again. I've had a few bumps or 1 since I started only 16 days ago, June 1st. But I know you can do this and me too.

    I'm getting married next month :)

    So let's get fit and get married lol.

    Good luck on your journey,