REDS - check in here 1/11

Every time I write these threads I do the date the UK way (so today is 11/1) and then have to change it! :laugh:

Today's update - did my second of three strength session(100 sit ups and 30 toe touches - would have done mre but very uncomfrtable on carpet - my shoulder blades dug into the floor :frown: ), and fifth of 5 30 min cardio - used the lateral thigh trainer.

Its my weigh-in tomorrow morning, so wish me luck - I have done my exercise and consistently come in just under target for cal intake all week, so if I haven't lost I shall be writing a stiff letter of complaint, just not sure who to? :laugh: :laugh:


  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Every time I write these threads I do the date the UK way (so today is 11/1) and then have to change it! :laugh:

    Today's update - did my second of three strength session(100 sit ups and 30 toe touches - would have done mre but very uncomfrtable on carpet - my shoulder blades dug into the floor :frown: ), and fifth of 5 30 min cardio - used the lateral thigh trainer.

    Its my weigh-in tomorrow morning, so wish me luck - I have done my exercise and consistently come in just under target for cal intake all week, so if I haven't lost I shall be writing a stiff letter of complaint, just not sure who to? :laugh: :laugh:
  • gingermoon
    gingermoon Posts: 239 Member
    Hey great job!!
    I'm sure your weigh in will reflect your hard work. :flowerforyou:

    Well, I'm just now getting started for today.
    I kinda bombed on yesterdays workout, so I have to make up for it. :tongue:
  • healthyinponca
    I have my weigh in at work tomorrow! We are doing a weight loss challenge at the cancer center where I work. Even the doctor is joining in.

    So far I have been able to work out 4 times this week and stick to my calorie intake. I hope all of my hard work pays off!

    Have a good day.
  • MrsTomy
    MrsTomy Posts: 504 Member
    Great job everyone! I still have 2 cardio workouts and ALL my weight workouts left! :blushing: This is the last week I'm off of school, so I've been really busy getting ready for that. It'll be easier to stick with a work out routine when I have a regular school routine

    hope everyone had a great weekend!!
  • tamlom
    tamlom Posts: 49
    Hi all,

    Weekends are tough to stick to exercising. Managed to maintain my calorie intake though! Water - not so much. I think I'm part camel! I always forget to drink especially when I'm home. It will be 8:00 at night sometimes when I stopa nd think; wow I didn't drink anything today.

    No :cry: workout today.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Today is my errand day and my day off from the gym, which Im pretty greatful for since my calf muscles are tight from the hiking I did yesterday. I stretched after the hike, but later tonight I'll be fitting in a few yoga and exercise ball stretches just to keep those muscles from stiffening and getting sore.

    Errands today include planning my food menu for the week and hitting a couple different places to grocery shop (this should help loosen up my muscles alot also so I dont stiffen up). I also got the idea to take all my uncooked veggies leftover from this past week and make a veggie soup out of them. I shop a produce store and usually buy so much, if I dont make the soup... it goes bad. Plus I like getting fresh stuff every week and the soup makes an awesome low cal, lowfat lunch or snack. It never tastes the same since I have different veggies to put in there each time.

    Quick question...How do our weeks work? Do we go Sat-Sun, Wed-Tues or something else? When do we weigh in and how to we report whats lost, ect?
  • FoxyLoxy
    FoxyLoxy Posts: 80 Member
    Well, I bombed yesterday :frown: I really made my lower back stiff and painful some how so moving wasn't much of an option and then I worked 7pm-7am. I blew my calories by stuffing my face just trying to stay awake. So today is the day I am vowing to get everything back to normal - my sleep, my eating, my laundry :wink: And congratulations to everyone! I'm so happy to hear that you guys are all doing so well! :flowerforyou: You definitely keep me motivated!
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hello Red Team

    Got my workout on the treadmill (60 minutes), stretching and I shovelled the deck again!

    Another wonderful day on the snowshoes except this time my DH joined me. Even though he has snowshoed many, many times before we have never gone together. 45 minutes we were out in the glorious chilly but sunny, snow covered climate . The amazing thing was when he said that "Holy Firetruck you really kicked my butt"! He was so impressed with my stamina and drive. That was music to my ears:love: What a great time:happy: Boy, I sure was starving when we came home.

    I am presently finishing all my water intake:drinker: :drinker: Hope everyone is having a great day:happy:

    :heart: GO RED GO:heart:
  • natashak
    Hey all, I didn't go to the gym today. Instead, i shoveled for an hour, walked for an hr and 1/2 in the snow, and swam for like an hr... ive finished my cardio for the week challenge. I still have 2 strength trainnings to go. About to do one yay :)
  • gustergirl
    gustergirl Posts: 534 Member
    I didnt do anything today. I had both kids (3 and 5.5 yrs old) the whole day and alot of cleaning to do. So I'll say I burned calories by cleaning and running around after them ;) Tomorrow I am ready to get back out and take my daily walk. I missed it today so thats a good feeling!
  • whim
    whim Posts: 11
    Going well here, already finished my cardio and have 1 more strength to go. Been pretty good about my water but have to start carrying my water bottle around with me again I think.
  • Renea101
    Hey Everyone!!

    I did 90 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of strength training at the gym. My son is pushing me (he loves being my "trainer"....:wink: )

    Got my water in also..... going to try to challenge myself to go to the gym at 5am before work 2 times this week.

    Great job everyone! Keep it up!

    Go Reds!:heart:
  • natashak
    reds-you guys are great!!!

    how often does everyone workout here?
    and for how long?