Zumba + hopefully some friends can help me accomplish my goa

xdmsilvax Posts: 4
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone,

I found my fitness pal through a link on facebook talking about the most useful apps for losing weight. I said it can't hurt and it's free, so far I've lost 3 lbs just calorie counting alone and I'm at 182. I know if I work out more often it would boost my progress.

I have a 9 1/2 month old at home, and a supportive husband that loves me for who I am. I started my pregnancy at 215, so I can honestly say getting pregnant saved my life. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had to be put on a strict diet and work out 3 times a day to maintain my blood sugar normal. I went from 215 to 185 right before my due date and feeling great. I haven't gained or lost much since my baby girl, but I want to do it for her now. I want to be able to run in the park and play games and not get exhausted. Plus, who doesn't want to fit into clothes they want and love.

In the past I started off with Zumba, but was still eating junk like pizza, burgers, and ice cream. Now I'm trying to balance working from home, taking care of my husband, taking care of my crawling rugrat, and the house.

I started working from home a few months ago, so finding time to for workouts is getting a little tough and yes I do take my daughter in lots of walks, but I know I need zumba in my life again to help me get there faster.

Please add me, I know I'm a rambling fool, but seeing other peoples progress helps me and encourages me with my plans and goals.

Thank you all


  • Hello New Friend,
    I just went to zumba for the first time last night it was soooooooooo hard! I was in awe of all the ladies (I go to a women's only gym) who knew what they were doing! Your baby is so cute! look at all that hair! Good luck and I'm glad we can help eachother on this journey!
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    Request on it's way, I love Zumba!!! I am probably doing all the steps wrong, but who cares! Good luck on your jouney!
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi! MFP is a great website, you'll find lots of support here.

    I am a Zumba addict! I started using it as my main source of cardio at the beginning of May and have seen some nice results.

    Feel free to add me if you like.

    We also have a T.E.A.M. zumba thread for ongoing support if you want to seek it out and join!
    Best of luck!
  • threekidsforme
    threekidsforme Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome to MFP. It's a great resource and helps with accountability. If you don't want to log it, you most likely won't eat it. I LOVE zumba.....getting ready to go to class soon!! It's a great workout and helps tone. If you have a Kinect or WII, I would recommend getting it for that if you don't already have it. When I can't get to class because of my kids, I do it at home with the kids. My girls love it. Good luck and if you need any help on your journey, let me know!! :):):)
  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    Zumba is the best way to work out! I heard if you put your all in to it, it burns about 500 cals an hour! Fun, and good for you! There is no better feeling than dancing like a loon to brilliant music!! Congrats on the weight loss so far!
  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174
    I'm new too! think we're off to a good start!
  • sunita130
    sunita130 Posts: 1
    Hi ladies. Congratulations to you! And I agree whole heartedly that Zumba is the best exercise out there and loads of fun. My son has certainly kept me on my toes now that he is running around and climbing furniture. Good luck to you beauties. We can do this!
  • cranmuffin
    cranmuffin Posts: 25 Member
    I've been doing Zumba for over three years now. It has helped to tone my body, but I never lost any weight because of it. I discovered MFP earlier this year and, by counting calories, I've lost 25 pounds. I still go to Zumba about 1 to 3 times a week and I use those days a chance to consume a few more calories. On the average, I burn about 350-400 calories/hour depending on which instructor I go to. So, for me, that means a little larger portion size for dinner or a glass (or two) of wine or a cocktail or dessert.

    Good luck to you. Keep up the good work.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hello and welcome!

    i love zumba, have been going for over a year now! but like yourself was still eating loads of junk! i lost 17lbs throughout the whole of last year and lost my final 20 since i joined mfp in jan! best thing ever! and im much healthier and toned then ive ever been! zumba is fab for calories- i averaged about 500-530 calories a class!
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    I'm actually attending my first Zumba Party on Sat through my gym. Ive been doing Zumba for a month and I'M HOOKED! Good Luck to you.. Feel Free to Add me!
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