p90x anyone else want to kill Tony

onebigninja Posts: 9
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
We are in are 2nd month of P90 lean. The wife and I have been changing our "lifestyle" since November 2010. To date she has lost 77lbs and I have lost 35 lbs. She much more disciplined then I. Using Myfitness pal to track cals, cut WAY back on drinking and lots of cardio has been doing the trick.

Now we are building muscle and toning.

The core synergy and Kempo really kick my axx, so to stay motivated I imagine punching Tony in the nose if I every see him. And I'll do the same to Drey and that freakin Drey dull roll.

Anyone else feel that way?


  • adamswife01
    adamswife01 Posts: 95 Member
    I dont want to kill or punch him..... but maybe cram a sock in his mouth. I am to the point where I just work out with my ipod and turn off the sound to the dvds....

    Congrats to both of you on your loss
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Im just waiting for Tony and Drey to hook up...which one do they finally doooo it?
  • Personally, I think he's funny ... granted I'm only a week and a half in ... that might change in time. LOL
  • Personally, I think he's funny ... granted I'm only a week and a half in ... that might change in time. LOL
  • Molinator
    Molinator Posts: 5
    Oh my word, YES! He makes me crazy. And Dreya and Pam the Blam, all his stupid nick names. If only there was a way to turn him off to do the work out. I switched to Cross Fit because I couldn't take him anymore.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I can't even do the p90 videos anymore really. He just talks WAY too much. I rather just go running or jumping on my mini trampoline.

    When I do the cardio vid and the kick boxing I'm imagining i'm punching him in the face.
  • I think we are going to get to the point of turning the sound off too. My boyfriend and I are at the point now that we talk back to Tony....LOL =) He is funny but, hearing the same thing over and over is getting old. However, sometimes the reminders of how certain exercises/stretches need to be done is helpful.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    haha I'm day 16 and I'm waiting on the day the hub feels comfortable enough to do it with just music.

    He gets on my nerves but i love his donut comments!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    He does need to stfu and just get the workout done with. Sometimes i'll start the moves before because he talks too much. I finish before they do and I'm always like see Tony if you'd just shut up you'd be done too.......then he talks again after they're done. He needs to be hoarse for the next p90x dvds!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    What's WOW spell upside down? mOm.....STFU Tony
  • turned to music and queues last night. Hell of a difference. I 'm very sore today.
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    I like the Chest, Shoulders and Back one where Phil tells Tony "Will you get lost!" He looks mad! I can imagine them talking smack behind his back whenever they're in the background chatting to eachother while he explains the exercises.

    Call out your soups!!
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