
I need ideas for starting Exercise. I'm almost completely immobile. I can't work anymore
Long story short- 2 years ago I started falling, had have several broken bones due to the falls.
I was always overweight but after I started falling and I had to sit more the weight piled on even more. I have degenerative disk disease, liver disease, t2 diabetic. I'm starting from scratch on eating. I'm so tired of hurting. So I need ideas for very small and slow exercise
I can barely walk to the car so walking is not an option as exercise right now. I'm hoping as I lose weight it will be easier


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    There are bunch of videos on Youtube - search for terms like "seated exercises", "disabled workout", etc.

    Remember that weight loss only requires a calorie reduction. If you need diet help, see the first sticky post in the Diet forum. :+1:
  • MrsJBro
    MrsJBro Posts: 59 Member
    A physiotherapist could do wonders for you