Day off / Cheat day



  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I don't take a day off from logging- you can do a lot mroe damage than you realize just by not watching what you eat! I don't really take a cheat day...I might have a day or two a week where I'm not as stringent with my calories and maybe go over a little bit but I wouldn't consider it a full cheat day. Plus that makes it feel toooo much like a diet...I'm not on a diet I'm on my way to revamping my choices to be the healthiest I can!
  • twerps4jesusjo
    twerps4jesusjo Posts: 34 Member
    I spent last weekend with family: two graduations and a birthday. Had lots of cake to say the least. I took about a mile walk for every piece of cake I ate, but still gained 4 pounds. It only took 3 days to loose it though and now I'm back to my pre- "weekend with family" weight. I think it helps me to stay on track if I know I can give myself the flexibility of taking a day off here and there. Although I didn't track the calories or exercise during the weekend, I usually do because it helps me to keep everything in perspective.
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    I used to have cheat days when I first started. I don't recommend it!!! I exercise 4x a week and Friday's I would eat out with my kids...big mistake! All the calories I would take in on my cheat day would erase all the lose(s) from the previous days meals and exercise. Log everything =)
  • cranmuffin
    cranmuffin Posts: 25 Member
    I log EVERYTHING! Even when I go on vacation. I find that I tend to go over on the weekends (thanks to my husband), but I can make up the excess calories during the week and balance out. When I go away, I log everything knowing that I'm going WAY over my goals, but I don't let it bother me. I figure it just means that it'll take me that much longer to reach my ultimate goal. What's a few more weeks or so? I'd rather enjoy life.
  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    I'm about to have a piece of cheat chocolate. :)

    I usually don't do cheat days. If I'm going to have a burger or something, I just make sure that I worked out and/or adjust the rest of my day's menu in such a way that it allows for it. HTH.
  • aeagles
    aeagles Posts: 13 Member
    I have been at this for 10 months and I have stuck to my 1200 calories VERY strictly for 5 days a week and on Saturday and Sunday I eat whatever I want. I've lost a lot of weight this way. Sure, I probably could have lost more if I had done 1 cheat day, or 1 cheat meal like apparently most of the people on MFP do, but this keeps me in it for the long haul. I treat it as if it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change that I hope to keep up for a long time! But people work differently, just try to figure out what works for you well enough that you can keep it up until you achieve your goals! :-D
  • heatherutopia
    heatherutopia Posts: 78 Member
    I just had a cheat 3 months.

    Brilliant! Me too!! I can't have one cheat day, maybe a little cheat meal here and there, but a full day it pushes me right off track and I find it so difficult to get back on.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I have "cheat weekends" in that I don't log. However, I try to remain aware and make healthy decisions about food and movement, even though I'm not recording numbers.
  • joreddaway
    I have a cheat day on friday, when i eat plenty of what i fancy and on the weekends i dont feel guilty if i go over a little. i always record with mental estimates and log at the end of the day to give myself perspective. if i didnt treat myself i wouldnt stick to it very long, or i would but i would be unhappy and it wouldnt be a realistic lifestyle change for me ( i am an active person, but i slipped into the trap of feeling comfortable and happy with my boyfriend and had a wake up call in May 11!) Also, i went out to dinner last night ( a curry) i would usually have it as my friday treat, but i cant this week as i had my wisdom teeth out today. I had:Poppadoms, Chicken Tikka Starter, Chicken Korai(tomato based hot curry with veg) , chickpea masala side dish, boiled rice and a plain chappati. WOW! amazing, that is what i would usually have without caring about the size of my bum....BUT, i worked in the gym during that day and made sensible choices. ok so i did three sessions: 3 and half mile run at lunch, 30 mins med effort on step machine, 30 min weights and taught a spinning class, which sounds like a hell of a lot for people, but i kinda promised i would take the class so couldnt back out of it. even if i had only done an hour cardio and weights, i would have been green on all allowances and below on calories. as i had the spinning class, i had a buffer of......wait for it.......956 calories!!!! just in case i fancied finishing everyone elses off.

    even a long walk would give you enough to have treats if you eat sensibly for lunch and breakfast and stay active.

    i have a calorie goal of 1200, and have lost 10 lbs since i started about a month ago. i am not starving myself and i am happy. having a cheat day and being relaxed on weekends works for me!

    Good luck, and sorry for the huge post!
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I dont really have a day off where I go bat *kitten* insane and eat like a mad man.

    I have found that if I break down what makes a cheat day for me (sugary drinks, greasy food, lots of salt) I can treat my self multiple times over the week just on a smaller scale.

    This would be like having pizza but not an insane greasy thick crust but still hearty and good. Also feels like I cheated. Then a day or two later have an ice cream and so on till I have used up the calories I figured for my average cheat day. This has helped me stay focused and not drool all week looking forward to a cheat day. :drinker:
  • emmamolly
    emmamolly Posts: 17
    thanks for all the feedback

  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    I don't believe in cheats, I eat less than healthy stuff when i have a craving, i just eat it in moderation.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I log everything but on the weekends I tend to have a few beers and might go out to eat once. I still try to pick the "healthiest" foods though, while I'm out.
  • OliveJuice821
    A day off cheat day works. As long as your not gorging yourself on junk and fatty foods! If you have an office party of something during the week, splurge that day and take away your weekend splurge day.

    I would still log everything, just not making such healthy decisions like my strict dieting days.

    Then again, I treat myself to something like Chex Mix Dark or some other healthier version of an unhealthy snack during the week so I'm less likely to go ape **** in the fridge over the weekend.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    this just made me laugh out loud. no to laugh at your misfortunes or anything...
    I just had a cheat 3 months.

    me too! and I have been there, done that.
  • kristenporterkp
    kristenporterkp Posts: 5 Member
    I think for me, the key is to not deprive myself. If I want something, I have it. I just do it in moderation. I tend to fail, when I feel left out, or cheated!
  • Reisse62
    Reisse62 Posts: 71 Member
  • Reisse62
    Reisse62 Posts: 71 Member
    I think you can have a cheat day and it will actually help you lose weight if you plan it.

    If you are not counting calories everyday will be a cheat day because you really don't know what you are consuming in calories. I was horrified when I found my favorite burger was 1100 calories not including fries and my daily intake to lose weight is 1700.

    When I am not counting I don't lose weight plan and simple!