Diet Coke = Water



  • Lauriee2014
    Lauriee2014 Posts: 183 Member
    I agree with several other posters. I do not count my coffee as water bc -

    - the diuretic factor [it takes water out of the body].

    - I try to get in 8-12oz of water in BEFORE my morning coffee, to counter act this.

    I would think herbal teas would count. Also unsweetened lemonade.. home made. Also.. some "diet" drinks [ie those with artificial sweeteners can actually cause carb cravings in some of us.. ME! I tried Crystal Light's new appletini.. and found it make me want popcorn.. bread, etc, things I eat only in moderation and not usually at night.

  • tkimbre2
    tkimbre2 Posts: 63
    Wondering if it is possible to count Diet Coke or other diet drinks, tea, etc as a Water??????

    I count my tea as water, but I drink decaffinated tea. :bigsmile:
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Nope! Nothing with caffiene, that is. You see, caffiene is a dieuretic, which means it makes you pee. So for every cup of coffee, soda (diet or otherwise), tea, ect, you will probably end up peeing out about 2 cups. So it's actually working against you. If you drink only caffeinated beverages, you will eventually dehydrate yourself. Sorry.

    Well, been to the nutritionist and was told that
    Caffeinated drinks DO NOT DEHYRDRATE YOU... they just hydrate you LESS effectively... you won't pee more than you take in, but you will pee more than you do with other drink except for ALCOHOL which WILL DEHYDRATE YOU.

    (She didn't give me an exact ratio, but I usually count tea or coffee at half the amount I consume and that's been working fine for me you may be different.)
  • The herbal teasdon't even count as water. Nothing is water except water. (Even sparkling water has high sodium) I am not a water lover myself, I have to make my self drink it. I have always been a soda drinker and its a hard habit to kick.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    No b/c of the caffeine it's basically a negative drinks; no harm (unless you want to argue about aspartame, which I DONT, go Diet Pepsi!), no benefit (does not hydrate, diuretic).
  • andreajramsey
    andreajramsey Posts: 6 Member
    No.Water is just that...Water. Diet Coke or any other diet sodas,tea,fruit juice,anything with sodium or artificial sweeteners are not water and not to be confused as such.
    Once I stopped drinking diet coke and only consumed water (I drink unsweetened tea once a day) I started losing weight. Water fills you up while the other beverages will make you crave sweets.
  • only if it is caffiene free and low soduim, otherwise nope.....caffiene depletes the water supply in your body and sodium makes you retain water weight....
  • I worked with a nutritionist for several months who actually explained to me that diet sodas will actually make you fat...if I had more time I would find all the articles online but I'm guessing you can Google it yourself. ANYTHING carbonated and caffeinated will work against you if you abuse it...meaning once a day is fine but not all day and everyday. ALSO! anything with artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame, can effect weight loss too. In fact, aspartame is a completely evil thing and is in your diet coke.

    Do your body a favor and stick with water! Tea is another thing that people like to use in place of...but read the ingredients before you assume it's good for you. Chances isn't!
  • oXGetFitBabeXo
    oXGetFitBabeXo Posts: 341 Member
    Anything I eat and or drink I count for what it is even I I have to add it myself
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Definitely NOT! It is very high in sodium! WATER

    Ummm, NO!! Look at a can of pop, it's 30-50mg of sodium. Municipal water has about 30g and most bottled water is exempt from having to list sodium so it's a random guess (though I believe Nestle posts it) just like how if something is under 5 calories per servings they can print it as 0 as per the FDA.

    Having 1 can of pop is 2% of your daily sodium requirement, 2% is definitely not "a lot".
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    For those who count it as water, does that mean you think it is OK to knock back 60 ounces of Diet Coke in a day as your "water" intake? I sure hope not. Put me in the camp of water = water. No water with chemicals, not water with artificial sweeteners...just plain ol' water. Add your own mix-ins if you hate plain water (a few strawberries, lemons, limes, orange slice, etc.).
  • menacingsprite
    menacingsprite Posts: 37 Member
    Nope! Nothing with caffiene, that is. You see, caffiene is a dieuretic, which means it makes you pee. So for every cup of coffee, soda (diet or otherwise), tea, ect, you will probably end up peeing out about 2 cups. So it's actually working against you. If you drink only caffeinated beverages, you will eventually dehydrate yourself. Sorry.

    This isn't true. It was once thought that caffeinated beverages would do that but studies have shown that the diuretic effect is much less than originally thought.

    If it were true people like my father and my boss would constantly be dehydrated because all they drink are diet soda products. I kid you not.

    Carbonated water is the first ingredient in Diet Coke.

    I personally don't count my coffee, tea or energy drinks towards water intake. I only count straight up water. But you do receive water from drinking tea, coffee, soda...etc.

    I disagree with you. Caffeine is most definitely a diuretic. When I was pregnant and retaining water I was told to drink a cup of coffee... yes coffee to release some of the water retention. And boy did it work. I would drink one cup a week to relieve my swollen ankles. It would bring me from elephant legs back to normal.
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    I think everyone has their own way of doing this.

    As for me Water = Water, Unsweetened tea = Unsweetened tea, Coke = Coke
  • The point of water is to flush out the contaminets that we consume. How many do you think are in diet soda to make it taste good ? Add water to your consumables and you will find that you drink less diet soda and save money as well by not buying so much. Besides soda in large amounts only mean your raising your sodium levels. Good luck Chunk.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I think everyone has their own way of doing this.

    As for me Water = Water, Unsweetened tea = Unsweetened tea, Coke = Coke

    ^^This. I believe MFP wants you to count ONLY water as water. The 8 cups/daily is a general number just like the general numbers MFP recommends for carbs/fat/protein. It's a general amount that keeps most people hydrated.

    If you drink any liquid that has calories, put it in your food diary with those calories.

    If you drink something no-calorie (diet soda, tea, vitamin water), list it in the diary if you're tracking sodium/vitamins, etc. Otherwise, why even list it?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    :( Now I am feeling really guilty about my "one a day Starbuck's Venti Iced Green Tea" habit

    don't, if all you have in it is pure green tea, then you're doing something extremely healthy for yourself. I have 16oz of pure green tea a day and count it as water...
    MONEYBANKS2011 Posts: 2 Member
    When I was a member of weight watchers they said that diet coke can count as half your water, not all....
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    Technically it has water in it but personally I don't count anything towards my water count except water, my green tea diluted with water and the water I use to mix up my protein shake.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    there is no such thing as anything other than water, being the exact same thing as REAL water.

    caffiene in soda actually SUCKS THE CALCIUM out of your bones! did you know? Water won't do that. Water has only one ingredient... "Water."

    I understand that many people do not like water and try their best to get their fluids in daily with healthy alternitives, and i commend the choices to go healthy.

    simply put, Diet Coke is very, Very bad for you. As is any soda. You will never meet a doctor who says "drink either 8 cups of soda, or 8 cups of water a day. either works." because it isn't the same. (( and if you do find such a doctor, never go back. they probably foridged their degree.))
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