How diet soda causes you to gain weight?

Sofitness Posts: 54
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
This is an amazing and very explanatory video - I've had no idea about most of the stuff in it. Really worth watching.


  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    I know I miss my diet coke
  • jasondcooper
    jasondcooper Posts: 125
    Wow, that is an eye opener! Thanks for sharing it.
  • no_kidding
    no_kidding Posts: 18 Member
    Wow.. thank you so much for sharing.. that was very informative
  • amberlee2011
    amberlee2011 Posts: 129
    Very eye opening, thanks. I have been drinking water in the afternoon but still drinking diet pop in the morning. It's a tough habit to break!
  • Someone, cliffs from the video?

    I'm at work and have no speakers...
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I have never gained weight drinking diet pop... I have always lost but I usually do one can a day sometimes two
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    <-- Aspartame junkie. :)

    If diet soda makes me gain weight, I better keep drinking it or I'll waste away to nothing! :sad:
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    i must have imagined going from 230 pounds to 175 all while drinking diet soda:laugh:
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I will have to watch this later when not on work network.

    I have heard a few different topics regarding this and assume it will be along the same lines.
  • Ah I don't need to watch the video...

    1. Aspartame is not dangerous, assuming you drink less that 600-1000 cans of diet soda a day.
    2. Diet soda has no effects on metabolic hormones such an insulin.
    3. Any claims that diet soda increases hunger are anecdotal.
    4. Diet soda will not create weight gain, nor slow down weight loss.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I was watching the show The Dr's and they had on there about aspartame they said that a little a day is not bad for you. They were saying how it's a little better to have some a day I forget why...
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    Ah I don't need to watch the video...

    1. Aspartame is not dangerous, assuming you drink less that 600-1000 cans of diet soda a day.
    2. Diet soda has no effects on metabolic hormones such an insulin.
    3. Any claims that diet soda increases hunger are anecdotal.
    4. Diet soda will not create weight gain, nor slow down weight loss.
    I have been informed by health care providers that drinking something with artificial sweetener will raise fasting blood sugar levels. Don't know the science behind it, but I have been told that more than once when I questioned why I could not use Truvia or other sweetener in coffee or tea before blood work. With that said. I don't drink diet soda. I have a real Coke every now and again. Probably 3 -4 months since the last one.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    The video is about the dangers of having an acidic diet and diet soda is included as a contributer to that. It does not at all go into the artifical sweetener debate/discussion. Without clearly stating it, I gather that diet soda's contributions to an acidic diet can be countered by moderation and eating more alkyline based foods.
  • unaffected
    unaffected Posts: 154
    Ah I don't need to watch the video...

    1. Aspartame is not dangerous, assuming you drink less that 600-1000 cans of diet soda a day.
    2. Diet soda has no effects on metabolic hormones such an insulin.
    3. Any claims that diet soda increases hunger are anecdotal.
    4. Diet soda will not create weight gain, nor slow down weight loss.

    The linked video addresses pH levels of soda, diet or otherwise. None of your above "facts" (??) are addressing pH imbalances/levels.
  • Studies show that sweeteners such as aspartame used in diet sodas have no effect on blood glucose, insulin, IGF-1, GIP, etc.
  • unaffected
    unaffected Posts: 154
    Studies show that sweeteners such as aspartame used in diet sodas have no effect on blood glucose, insulin, IGF-1, GIP, etc.

    What about pH levels?

    And honestly, I think you can find a study to back any argument. Politicians have been doing it for decades.
  • Studies show that sweeteners such as aspartame used in diet sodas have no effect on blood glucose, insulin, IGF-1, GIP, etc.

    What about pH levels?

    And honestly, I think you can find a study to back any argument. Politicians have been doing it for decades.

    What's wrong with a controlled, peer reviewed study?


    If you see above, I couldn't watch the video seeing as I don't have access at work. BUT, how in the world does the pH make you gain weight??
  • unaffected
    unaffected Posts: 154
    Studies show that sweeteners such as aspartame used in diet sodas have no effect on blood glucose, insulin, IGF-1, GIP, etc.

    What about pH levels?

    And honestly, I think you can find a study to back any argument. Politicians have been doing it for decades.

    What's wrong with a controlled, peer reviewed study?

    I'm not saying anything is wrong with it, I'm just simply saying that you can find a study to back either side of this argument.

    I'm of the opinion that if you replace your soda (diet or not) with water, you will be healthier and feel better. The only "study" I can cite is my own experience. That's all :)
  • unaffected
    unaffected Posts: 154
    I didn't notice that above, about you not being able to watch the video. I'm not a great summarizer (is that a word?), but basically by drinking lots of soda or alcoholic beverages, it raises your body's pH levels, in turn making your body work harder to get you back to where you need to be. I realize this summary is not scientific in the least, but I'm a graphic artist and I hate science, so I apologize.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    So as to not lose focus of the video that is linked. It has nothing to do with artificial sweeteners. Diet soda is brought up as an example as a contributer to an acidic diet. But, it really doesn't say anything but how much would be too much, just that too much is a bad thing.

    I would be curious if anyone else has links to other videos, articles, or studies that address the issues in the video.
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