What to eat when training? I'm taking part in a charity boxing match for Cancer Research UK.

Hi everyone,

I'm training as the title states and I wondered if anyone has any useful pointers for eating specifically leading up to a boxing match?

The event is in mid March and I want to get into good shape for it.

If it helps to figure out what dietary requirements would suit me best, I am 5'10" and weigh 15st 7lb, so I am fairly overweight. I started this on 8th January and from then to now, I have come down from 16st 4lb.

Thanks in advance.


  • Dessilicious
    Dessilicious Posts: 12 Member
    Take a look at the Common Sense Boxing Diet. I am not sure if I am allowed to post links. It's on Johnny Nguyen's Boxing site called Expert Boxing.
    Your coach could give you tips as well.
    Good luck with you match!