my1lastchance Posts: 25
edited September 28 in Food and Nutrition
Alright so I have a question about eating habits. It is actually about my wife, not myself. She has a very demanding/stressful job where she literally doesn't have any time to eat. There are days when she wakes up late so she only has time to eat a banana on the way to work then she usually doesn't eat until she gets home about 9-10 hours later. Another problem is that when she does come home to eat, she eats bad food or she binge eats.

I've tried to make her snacks/meals to take with her but she ends up bringing them back home because "she didn't have time". I am really concern for her overall health.

What can I do to help her out?


  • Karyn1120
    Karyn1120 Posts: 184 Member
    She needs to make time to eat. Does she drink water during the day? Can some of the water be replaced by a supplement (Ensure or something like it)?

    Just an idea.....
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Simply she just needs to make time to eat something. I had a job that I didn't get a chance to eat in a 12 hour shift but it is vital to make time. She finds time to use the restroom I'm sure so there has to be a way to fit a quick bite to eat in. If not her job could kill her.
  • mom_2_girls
    mom_2_girls Posts: 18 Member
    When I worked and didn't have but 5 min for lunch, I would drink a slimfast. I figured it had vitamins and minerals and would hold me over for a while.
  • sgrstff
    sgrstff Posts: 2
    yes some adult vitamin gummies might be good for a quick immune booster. you should also have her dinner and dessert ready for her when she gets home so she is not reaching for bad foods. the job will be there is what my husband tells me. my health and family are more important
    good luck
  • glamroxjax
    glamroxjax Posts: 87 Member
    this is just a brutally honest answer, not meant to offend, k! I have heard this soooo many times, and while I understand to stresses of a hectic job, there is no reason for not eating at all! I mean a bag of carrots doesn't need to be eaten all at once! Now a cup of yogurt I can understand because it can't just sit out. Sounds like you need to discuss her feelings towards her own health. Even if she isn't trying to loose weight, this is a sure fire way to speed up aging and other health issues down the rd! There are easy steps to take to feed yourself without "taking a lunch break". SHe deserves to be the best she can, but she has to feel that way first before she will commit to it.
  • Thank you all for the responses!! I will look into getting her something she can eat/drink fast at work.

    glamroxjax - I agree. I tired to tell her before but she didn't really want to listen. That is why I asked the MFP community.. I hoped that other members would have answers I didn't think about before.
  • glamroxjax
    glamroxjax Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you all for the responses!! I will look into getting her something she can eat/drink fast at work.

    glamroxjax - I agree. I tired to tell her before but she didn't really want to listen. That is why I asked the MFP community.. I hoped that other members would have answers I didn't think about before.

    Unfortunately, if she isn't committed to herself, then nothing will help. Is she interested in joining the site? Maybe seeing others changing their lifestyle can give her some motivation to take better care. If you guys are on facebook, I have a health page, and I try and give nutritional, health and fitness info several times a week. Let me know if you are interested and I'll send you the link! I hope she changes her mind soon...I used to be the same. I have never felt better, physically AND emotionally. I used to be on antidepressants and anti-anxiety and ocd meds...once I changed my health habits, I haven't needed meds period! I hardly have headaches! I am a SAHM of 3 kids (5, 2 and 9months) with 2 businesses...I know what busy is!!! <3 Good luck and I'm here if you need me!
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