Starting over.....

kymvia Posts: 14 Member
Been away for two years.... Does that make me a newbie ? Lol. All my FP friends are gone now I have to start all over. Happy I made the choice to return. Hopefully. I will find my old friends and make new ones. Ty for listening and have a great day !


  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    I started over yesterday after about 7 months of VERY intermittent use, and gaining 13 pounds back. Sending you a friend request. I lost some too, and totally respect the reasons why. Best of luck to you, and remember that luck is when preparation meets opportunity! WE CAN DO THIS!
  • thehoss316
    thehoss316 Posts: 125 Member
    This is the first I have posted to the boards. Wish I'd have done this all along! Welcome.
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    I had lost 70 pounds prior to last February. I started a new job and time, energy, etc., got away from me, and then I discovered all the great restaurants (especially the calzone place with the cute owner, Dan) and when I got back on the scale after the 1st of the year, found that I had gained back 64 of my 70 pounds. So I am back too! Doing pretty good so far, and with it being freezing cold outside, it is easy for me to not visit the restaurants, although I am starting to miss Dan.
  • clawhe
    clawhe Posts: 1 Member
    Started again today after a few years. Forgot how good this app was. Much better than paying a slimming group. I'm going to report my progress to my work colleague every week for some motivation. Good luck to others starting over. Claire

  • Bekkasaurus
    Bekkasaurus Posts: 8 Member
    Started again a few weeks ago, keen receive and provide support :smile: welcome back!
  • Annabella402
    Annabella402 Posts: 12 Member
    I started again recently too, after a while. It looks like you are not alone. Best of luck to all of us!
  • Luwright321
    Luwright321 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm starting over again too. Last time I logged my weight was over a year ago. I can't believe I let myself backslide like that and of course because of it I've gained weight. :'( But it's a new day right? So here I go again. :)
  • random255
    random255 Posts: 18 Member
    I had lost 70 pounds prior to last February. I started a new job and time, energy, etc., got away from me, and then I discovered all the great restaurants (especially the calzone place with the cute owner, Dan) and when I got back on the scale after the 1st of the year, found that I had gained back 64 of my 70 pounds. So I am back too! Doing pretty good so far, and with it being freezing cold outside, it is easy for me to not visit the restaurants, although I am starting to miss Dan.

    Maybe you should ask Dan to chill somewhere outside of his work? .....just a thought! :)
  • kymvia
    kymvia Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you all for your replies. And for the friend request. I feel loved :)
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    random255 wrote: »
    I had lost 70 pounds prior to last February. I started a new job and time, energy, etc., got away from me, and then I discovered all the great restaurants (especially the calzone place with the cute owner, Dan) and when I got back on the scale after the 1st of the year, found that I had gained back 64 of my 70 pounds. So I am back too! Doing pretty good so far, and with it being freezing cold outside, it is easy for me to not visit the restaurants, although I am starting to miss Dan.

    Maybe you should ask Dan to chill somewhere outside of his work? .....just a thought! :)

    I've thought about it, but I am afraid of rejection, I've been hoping he would suggest it, and have carried my phone number in my back pocket every time I go in, just in case. Which of course, he never has, although when I told him I wasn't going to be coming in until it warmed back up, he reminded me that they deliver and told me that if I wait til after 2, he starts doing deliveries. Which just lead to me day dreaming of that stereotypically adult film plot. . .pizza man rings door bell, scantily clad woman answers, and says, ooh, I seem to be a little short on cash. . .

  • Kairalie
    Kairalie Posts: 90 Member
    Hey I am starting over too.. I've always seemed to give up or quit long before I reach any of my goals and so this time I'm hoping to find people who will help me stay motivated and dedicated to this.. Thanks. Feel free to add me
  • millermkarate
    millermkarate Posts: 46 Member
    I am starting over again as well :):) I am looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!!!
  • scfarrant
    scfarrant Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome back everyone! Your stories are very familiar. I am also starting over: two years ago I lost 37lbs with MFP. Was fantastic, loved it, then over the course of that time I gradually put it all back on again. I should have done something about it when I went up the first dress size, not two, but hey, denial is a major thing...

    This time I'm even more serious. Looks as though a lot of people use this site for maintaining weight loss after they lose it -- which had never occurred to me before. That will definitely be me once I reach my goal, I'm in it for the long haul this time.

    Good luck all!
  • kymvia
    kymvia Posts: 14 Member
    Good to see that I am not the only one coming back . :) So I am now wondering what are you doing to lose weight? any special diet ? excecise ??? I start off good .... and then I just quit! Need motivation...willpower... I'm sure most of you know what I am talking about. :/
  • robburry_85
    robburry_85 Posts: 91 Member
    Started a week ago now feel free to add me all