1/2 marathon / music training

hwilliams519 Posts: 428
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
So I've looked into some 1/2 marathon training. I don't want to sound negative, but I really don't think I have enough time to train my non-runner brain/body into running the entire length. I had an idea last night tho. What if I rotate between jogging and walking with my music? So I will jog to the first song, walk to the second, jog to the third...you get where I'm going. Do you think this is a good idea? I thought this would help me mentally to get thru it. I know the terrain could affect it some. Like when a big hill comes up when I'm supposed to jog. What do you think about this idea?


  • Charshel
    Charshel Posts: 15
    I'm a runner off and on. I have run as much as 7 miles. Right now, I'd be lucky to run 1 (recent plantar faciitis injury has really set me back). I recently started back using the Couch to 5K program. You should try it. It gives you a good idea of how much to run/walk to build to more running. I found it on the internet by googling "Couch to 5K." I think they also have a facebook page.
  • hopebuck
    hopebuck Posts: 138
    have you looked up jeff galloway?? he is awesome and he is ALL about the run / walk ratio!!!!! I actually think you have a pretty good idea with the music too though! :) You can SOOO do this! when is the first half you are thinking of doing?
  • pittsblue99
    pittsblue99 Posts: 277 Member
    I am going to sign up to jog my first 5K in mid-August and I have talked to a lot of people that say this is a decent way to train for a race if you are new to racing. The biggest thing is to keep your heart rate up even while you are walking so make sure you are staying at a pretty decent pace while you walk. Good luck and I hope one day to be signing up for my first half marathon :)
  • releame
    releame Posts: 10
    Are you familiar with the Running Room Book by John Stanton?
    For my 50th birthday gift to me , I ran a half marathon. I followed the training for this using his scheduling in the book.
    What a great experience it was.
    There were many walk/running.
    Also google for runs in your area. There may be one in Aug Sept that you can register for.
    The rewards for accomplishing this are great.
    Good Luck!
    P3NNYL4NE Posts: 5 Member
    I used to have huuuuge mental blocks when it comes to running! I do a lot of my running on a tread mill at home, so I usually find a TV series I like and watch it on Netflix. Prior to getting my TV though, I did a lot of run/walk transitions to songs on my iPod. I thought for me it was great. As you become a stronger runner you will challenge your self to run for 2 songs/walk for 1 song.. and then increase the number. So I think this is a GREAT idea! :)
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    Whatever works for you...do it! I trained on and off for a half marathon with Team in Training (Leukemia and Lymphoma Society). I finished in under 3.0 hours in Nashville, TN April 30th. It was an amazing experience. I personally do not know of anyone who runs the whole thing (except for those in the front). I made it was point to train when I could and enjoy the event. I didn't want to hurt myself and not be able to do it at all.

    Now I am setting another goal of a half marathon new to Baton Rouge, LA in January 2012. It's really important to commit and follow through.

    Make sure you have been fitted for the proper shoes and get the chaffing bar (a must!).

    Keep me posted and I'll do the same! Oh, I'm also starting Turbo Fire (again) tonight....that will help my cardio for sure! If you need a training schedule...let me know. I have the one I used for my first half.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    I'm a runner off and on. I have run as much as 7 miles. Right now, I'd be lucky to run 1 (recent plantar faciitis injury has really set me back). I recently started back using the Couch to 5K program. You should try it. It gives you a good idea of how much to run/walk to build to more running. I found it on the internet by googling "Couch to 5K." I think they also have a facebook page.

    I just finished week 3 ( although it took me 6 weeks to get that far- started before I knew I would be trainging for this) of the C25K. That's actually how I got the music idea. I can handle jogging for up to 3 minutes so far, and alternating between jogging and walking works for me.
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    have you looked up jeff galloway?? he is awesome and he is ALL about the run / walk ratio!!!!! I actually think you have a pretty good idea with the music too though! :) You can SOOO do this! when is the first half you are thinking of doing?

    Sept 24th
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    I-Tunes has tons of free podcasts of music just for what you're talking about!
    Good luck!!
  • hwilliams519
    hwilliams519 Posts: 428
    Whatever works for you...do it! I trained on and off for a half marathon with Team in Training (Leukemia and Lymphoma Society). I finished in under 3.0 hours in Nashville, TN April 30th. It was an amazing experience. I personally do not know of anyone who runs the whole thing (except for those in the front). I made it was point to train when I could and enjoy the event. I didn't want to hurt myself and not be able to do it at all.

    Now I am setting another goal of a half marathon new to Baton Rouge, LA in January 2012. It's really important to commit and follow through.

    Make sure you have been fitted for the proper shoes and get the chaffing bar (a must!).

    Keep me posted and I'll do the same! Oh, I'm also starting Turbo Fire (again) tonight....that will help my cardio for sure! If you need a training schedule...let me know. I have the one I used for my first half.

    Thanks for your support. One of my good friends did the same 1/2 marathon as you, and she's the one who told me about this one that I am training for. She's doing it with me. Thanks for the reminder that the most important part is making that committment and sticking to it. And I need to enjoy it, not get overwhelmed.

    Good luck to you on your next event! I know I really need to get new shoes. I'm hoping to take care of that in the next couple of weeks. What is a chaffing bar? I understand what it would prevent, but what is it?

    Oh, and I would love a training schedule! Right now I am working on the C25K, and have printed a couple of other programs, but I don't think those others are exactly what I need. I do like the C25K program tho. I actually jogged for 16 minutes last night! That's the most I've ever done! Of course it was in 3 or 5 minute intervals, but it jumped up from 9 min in week 3 to 16 min in week 4. I really didn't think I could do it, but I did!
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    :happy: I signed up for the The Louisiana Marathon (Half) yesterday. Now I am in! Firt step is to commit. What is your email and I'll send the 3 month training scheduling I am using for the half. This comes from the Team in Training coaches I had for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

    The songs are a great idea. Try and warm up 2 - 5mins then start with a slow jog...see if you can make a half mile. If not , jog then walk for 30 sec and begin jogging again. Eventually you will get to a full mile. Intervals are the key.

    It's a lot of mental motivation. I watch shows like Extreme Makeover Weightloss Edition and others to motivate myself. If they can lose that amount of weight...I have no excuses.

    The last Half Marathon I did, I walked and ran. I didn't want it to be a grueling experience. I did it under 3 hours and that was my goal. So maybe this time...I'll shoot for 2:30 or 2:45...baby steps.

    I'll wait for your email!

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