Tracking it all. No matter what.

Last night I gave into a craving. Tracked it this morning. Looks bad..600 cals done and overwith and the day is just starting.


  • KatEmmaMarie
    KatEmmaMarie Posts: 64 Member
    It's okay! It happens!

    Just take this as a lesson learned. Like your title says, track everything and what helps me is tracking everything BEFORE I eat it. This allows me to see exactly what I'm eating and exactly what damage it does to my days worth of calories.

    Can you maybe work out a little extra at some point this week to counter balance these extra 600 calories?
    Good luck!
  • StacyChrz
    StacyChrz Posts: 865 Member
    Yes, but you tracked it and are owning it. I know for me that's a big change from my less healthy life to now. I am getting better about tracking it all, no matter how ugly. Being honest with ourselves may not be easy at first but it makes this process work better. Ok, so you've consumed 600 calories, it happened and now you can plan the rest of your day to make the impact less severe. Eat reasonably for the rest of the day and get some movement in to increase your calories out. Maybe next time the craving hits you only eat 300 calories worth of whatever the yummy offender was.
  • LHWhite903
    LHWhite903 Posts: 208 Member
    edited January 2016
    Don't be so hard on yourself. You can earn some of those back with exercise and maybe your body needed some nutrient in what you craved anyway. I can see you're new at this, maybe even set a high goal for yourself out of excitement. Make sure it isn't too high for your mind or your body to cope with all at once, okay? Besides, you can still compensate for it with your other meals today. It's a new day, start afresh. :)
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Congratulations. Being honest with yourself is an important step. :-)
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    StacyChrz wrote: »
    Yes, but you tracked it and are owning it. I know for me that's a big change from my less healthy life to now. I am getting better about tracking it all, no matter how ugly. Being honest with ourselves may not be easy at first but it makes this process work better. Ok, so you've consumed 600 calories, it happened and now you can plan the rest of your day to make the impact less severe. Eat reasonably for the rest of the day and get some movement in to increase your calories out. Maybe next time the craving hits you only eat 300 calories worth of whatever the yummy offender was.

    Well said! I agree!
  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    LOL i was like 2000 calories over the other night. Log it and move on. :) It happens to the best of us.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Log it and move on. Use it as a learning experience.
  • dragerk
    dragerk Posts: 19 Member
    Great job tracking it and taking ownership! It feels crumby to give into those binge cravings (trust me, I know!), however I bet you'll at least think twice about it now that you understand that you'll be 600 calories behind if you do it!

    That said, also don't beat yourself up too much. Remember, those cravings are fine to have and indulge in as long as you can keep it within moderation. If its a craving you have often, try to work it into your calorie count a couple times a week so it will be guilt free!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    It's not cheating if you log it - it's awareness! That is the power of this site above all other factors.

    Own it and move along...and 600 calories? Nothing a bit of walking/jogging won't solve. Consider those 600 calories as fuel for the next workout.
  • RockinTerri
    RockinTerri Posts: 499 Member
    We all have days like that! It's best that you're owning and logging it.
  • petrokldy
    petrokldy Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for your replies. I have just discovered this community. Never really participated in one before. I feel so alone on this journey. Alone to the gym. Avoiding my "eating" social life. I wish I could find a weight loss buddy. Tried OA. Not for me.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    edited January 2016
    You will be surprised as to the support you can find in this place.
    I have joined many gyms, and the YMCA seems to be the only one that has a "sense of community". Most have a senior water aerobics class that sounds right up your alley. Those women seem to have a blast.
  • elaineamj
    elaineamj Posts: 347 Member
    I am planning an 800 calorie dinner on Saturday. Been eating at a deficit all week and plan a very light breakfast and lunch on Saturday. I will still be within my weekly goals :) I am still very new at this - but trying to train myself that it's okay to splurge - once in a while. The big key for me is once in a while. I am planning a vacation in March and want to indulge while there. I will try for very low cal breakfasts and will plan for a deficit the week before and the week after.

    I do agree - the whole honesty thing has really helped me. Before, when I binged, I ripped myself up internally and then hid it. Now I am posting honestly about both wins and losses with an online group and mentally, it is making a difference. Plus, I admitted it to my DH - a huge step for me since I usually hide my binges from him.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You will be surprised as to the support you can find in this place.
    I have joined many gyms, and the YMCA seems to be the only one that has a "sense of community". Most have a senior water aerobics class that sounds right up your alley. Those women seem to have a blast.

    I agree with this, actually. I go to the Y and it's very much community. I'm only 33 but I do a swim class with the old ladies. They're a great lot and go out to lunch once a month together.

    Also, don't avoid your social life just because of food. You can still eat those foods at those gatherings. You just need to moderate your portions. Don't let yourself miss out on great things because you feel pressured to be perfect on your food intake, either. If you have a day or so you go over because you went to someone's birthday party and decided to have cake, so what? You know what the worst that will happen is? Your deficit is smaller or none for that week. That's easy to fix the following week if need be.

    You're really not alone! You might just find support in places you didn't really expect!
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    If it makes you feel better, I plan to eat about 2800 calories over maintenance (so around 5000 total) this coming Saturday. And no regrets will be had.

    You need to eat 3500 calories over maintenance in order to gain a pound. Hopefully that puts these things into perspective.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    log it and move on.

    eat at maintenance today,cut back a few calories tomorrow, get in an extra workout if you want.... or dont and just suck it up and do better tomorrow (which is what i usually do LOLOLOL)
  • petrokldy
    petrokldy Posts: 17 Member
    Lol. I did join the local Y. Best gym ever. Been doin deep water aerobics. I think it is the first time that i can work my abdominals fully, without pain. Only been a member 2 weeks. :D