Exercise help/question

I work in a place where I am seating down for most of the day. I was wondering if anyone new any easy yet effective work outs i can do by sitting at my desk?

Would greatly appreciate it

thanks and good luck everyone =}


  • glamroxjax
    glamroxjax Posts: 87 Member
    OH! Medicine ball! Instead of sitting, you will be balancing and activates your core!!! Oh and squeeze that butt too!
  • bugsybanks
    bugsybanks Posts: 20
    lol thanks =)
  • glamroxjax
    glamroxjax Posts: 87 Member
    and I almost forgot...while balancing, lift one leg up and hold it for as long as you can. Do these several times a day and it will not only work your core, but also legs! Make sure your butt is at the edge if the ball, otherwise you wont work it fully. :) and anytime!