just starting.. again.

Hey everyone, my name is Patrice.. I have a vacation coming up in 65 days and I'm trying to get in shape for it. I may need people to keep me motivated. I lose motivation fast :(


  • srv524
    srv524 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Welcome back. Good luck on your journey and hold yourself accountable, you can do this ;)
  • motivated2419
    motivated2419 Posts: 158 Member
    feel free to add me I am on here on the time!
  • patricehall89
    patricehall89 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you both!!!!
  • Capnscoobing
    Capnscoobing Posts: 4 Member
    You totally got this
  • danielperkins87
    danielperkins87 Posts: 11 Member
    Stick with it! I am dieting for the same reason
  • Twiglet2016
    Twiglet2016 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm dieting too for the same reason. I have a wedding in May that I need to look great for. Let's do it!
  • hcolbourn
    hcolbourn Posts: 6 Member
    I am starting on this again! Christmas killed me, and need to get back on track too! Good luck with the new routine, and it can be enjoyable when you are cooking up really healthy food!
  • patricehall89
    patricehall89 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone! The holidays really killed me too, then i.was suprised with a vacation in just a little over two months, I feel like I won't be ready but I'm putting everything I've got into this.
  • patricehall89
    patricehall89 Posts: 13 Member
    Eating healthy isn't my strong point, neither is portion control.
  • joey4014
    joey4014 Posts: 159 Member
    65 days is plenty of time. You'll definitely be ready. Log your food and chat with your mfp friends everyday.
  • patricehall89
    patricehall89 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you, I really appreciate the reassurance.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    I go on vacation in 72 days! Plenty of time to do this!!
  • patricehall89
    patricehall89 Posts: 13 Member
    Awesome! Where are you guys that have vacations planned also going? If you dont mind me asking.
  • cj_511
    cj_511 Posts: 10 Member
    Signed up a few years back & never committed... :( At almost 52 I am tired of hating myself..time to "man up" and take my life back. Looking for help with accountability please.
  • bigmac280
    bigmac280 Posts: 10 Member
    I too am starting over.. It's really hard .. Please someone suggest what I should do tomorrow .. It's day 1
  • patricehall89
    patricehall89 Posts: 13 Member
    I need suggestions also!
  • angelamy1977
    angelamy1977 Posts: 24 Member
    I need suggestions also!

    Best thing for me as far as accountability this time around has been the constant tracking of everything I eat. I watch my numbers to plan accordingly if I know I'm going out to eat or want to splurge on something. It's all about keeping the number in at/just below what MFP suggests for your daily intake. I never realized how many "bites" or "trys" of something I'd have until I started charting those things. Don't skip a day. Log on everyday and keep track :) Good luck!
  • patricehall89
    patricehall89 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you! So far thats been the hardest part, I also difnt realize how many bites of things I took throughout the day. Also my boss is always buying pizzas and cakes and donuts. Its extremely hard to stay away from, or at least minimize how much I eat. Logging it immediately and being able to look at my current calorie count when theres a box of donuts in my face has been helping for the last two days.