Looking for people wanting to lose 50lbs and up



  • apv83
    apv83 Posts: 8 Member
    You can add me! I'm working on getting rid of 50lbs. :)
  • SaraBelle31
    SaraBelle31 Posts: 3 Member
    Down 15lbs, 50lbs to go let's do this!! add me
  • littleb0peep
    littleb0peep Posts: 333 Member
    I've already lost 50 and on my way to another 50! Let's do this!
  • I want to lose around 60, at 215 now
  • cddroid
    cddroid Posts: 22 Member
    Count me in! Need to loose 60 lbs, at my heaviest now (221) and I'll need a lot of motivation!
  • itsup2memi
    itsup2memi Posts: 27 Member
    Adde please I have 100 to lose
  • elnstanley23
    elnstanley23 Posts: 29 Member
    add me anyhone i wanna lose 50lbs too
  • Limak1000
    Limak1000 Posts: 10 Member
    Get your diet in check and you'll start dropping weight!
  • kat_b
    kat_b Posts: 5 Member
    I am trying to get down to 120 from 180 so far down 25
  • zachrunyon1
    zachrunyon1 Posts: 1 Member
    70 to lose!!
  • goodwifey82
    goodwifey82 Posts: 54 Member
    Allira_11 wrote: »
    Hi guys. I am searching for people who have the same goals as i am. i am 25yrs and i'm currently weighing at 185lbs and at 5'2" ( i know i'm a dwarf right? lol) i am totally over my ideal healthy weight of 120-130. so for starters i need to loose about 55lbs. so just add me up and we can hopefully start helping each other. let's go ;)

    I'm in. Add me. I'm 33, 5'4, and currently weigh 232lbs. Started off with 70lbs to lose on 1/1/16. Have lost 11lbs so far.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Trying for 80 more. I'm 5"4. 35 mom of 3. Congrats to all who have just begun! Making a choice is the first step. No lie this road can be hard and lonely some days you feel like quitting but don't! 50+ lbs to lose seems so overwhelming so start with mini goals that are achievable! If you keep going you will see the rewards I promise ( like clothes you never thought would fit again, having kids be able to fit their arms around you when they hug you, weighing LESS than your hubby, being able to go for a walk without feeling like you are going to die, noticing one day your hips no longer spread when you sit and your thighs are smaller!)
  • mcspeight
    mcspeight Posts: 43 Member
    I have about 130 to lose...feel free to add me