Im sick for the first time since attempting to get into shape

Currently my work out is Jillian Michaels ripped in 30, 3-2-1 program. As a cardiac patient im on week one and having a moderately difficult time with the first week of workouts - as I should be. Currently I have a cold. I have sore throat, coughing and sneezing, mild fever that's sporadic (mostly in the evenings). Should I continue to do my work out video and struggle through it with a moderately bad cold? Im not bedridden - I'm up, dressed , functioning (whilst whining) , but I surely don't feel up to doing much else other than what has to be done. I'm seeing good progress over the past month and don't want to ruin that because I skipped a few days and wimped out on a 25 min workout. Currently I am only taking 1 day of rest, and I've already used it this week (Sunday).



  • smcrimmon84
    smcrimmon84 Posts: 135 Member
    I promise that taking another day or two to rest wont wipe out an entire month of progress. I typically only take 1 rest day a week as well but was hit with the flu/strep throat last weekend - I took 4 days off from the gym. I waited until I was eating again, fever-free and not miserable.
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I would listen to my body and probably do some light activity instead like walking, instead of stressing it more with an intense workout.
    If your goal is fat loss, that doesn't require any exercise at all, only a calorie reduction. :+1:
  • jessicalang58555
    jessicalang58555 Posts: 4 Member
    thanks guys. I've taken 2 days off now but it's now looking like 3. I've completely lost my appetite and am only taking in between 200 and 600 calories per day (over the past 48 hours). I have no desire to eat, cook or even look at food (this infection seems to be affecting my stomach and bowels as well) are there any foods that are particularly good at settling the tummy? I know im not eating enough and its temporary and will pass. My mother used to give me flat pop, but ive given up pop because i prefer to drink my calories rather than eat them.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    edited January 2016
    At this point, keeping hydrated needs to be your main focus. Flat ginger ale is always good, and since you're not eating much, never mind the calories. Other good choices are broth, as well as bananas, rice, applesauce and toast (The BRAT diet).
  • jessicalang58555
    jessicalang58555 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you i will try that!
  • scottish_laura_13
    scottish_laura_13 Posts: 69 Member
    if your ill then be ill! if u really feel like you want to exercise you not do some of the video like half of it, so do a bit, rest, do a bit or do something else like yoga to maintain the flexibility? but if body is saying rest then rest! if you work too hard when your ill it will just prolong the illness
    feel better!
  • gunrock1970
    gunrock1970 Posts: 45 Member
    Exercising with a chest infection or fever is not a good idea. Get some rest and come back strong.
  • jessicalang58555
    jessicalang58555 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm feeling well enough to do something light today (yoga perhaps), I went to bed early last night. Fever is gone, still coughing but if I take some anti mucus stuff I feel great. I've had a head cold and chest infection on and off since September and my lungs have been filling with frothy water for over a year now (seeing a respirologist in about a month's time for proper evaluation, my cardiologist is stumped). I've had more ill days than healthy days in the past 5 months (my first infection I caught this year lasted from September until end of November). The 30 days ive been exercising and dieting have been the longest I've been well. I'll try and do a little something today. I feel well enough but still have no appetite (been 3-4 days now).