Feeling Sad

I have been in an emotional slum the past week. And the cycle continues I don't know if it's hormones or what. But I started off good and then back to the same old cycle. I know everything I should do and that's what hurts most. And when I don't do it I feel so defeated and self sabotaged. I just need encouragement and prayer. I'm tired of seeing myself outside of my true self. And other people judging me.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I'm sorry you feel this way. Hugs. Have you had a physical lately?
  • Ashleighxtinec
    Ashleighxtinec Posts: 5 Member
    I'm sorry you're going through this. You aren't alone. I start off strong and the same thing happens to me every time. This time I find writing in a journal helps, speaking with people on here as well. I just think we go through so much physically, emotionally and mentally when we try and change our entire way of eating, thinking, working out etc that it can wipe us out quick. Take a day where you just let yourself feel it and then start again the next day. It helps me sometimes. Im here if you want to talk. I've been in this situation countless countless times and will probably be again. You have people here for you.